chapter two (doesn't have a name)

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I am sorry for anybody who reads this it has just been hectic and I have had no time to update.

I was in the bathroom for about 5 minutes until I heard a knock on the door and a soft voice "Sally can I come in" It was Dylan. "Yeah" I said my voice cracked as I said. I heard the door open and I lifted my head from my hands. Dylan stood there in the door way looking worried. I got up and ran and jumped into his arms. "Why are they doing this to me" I cried. He was stroking my hair. It felt comforting in a way. "I don't know" I left his arms and sat back down on the toilet (lid down). "What did he do?" I asked."Nothing he just sat there"
He nudged me to move up. So I moved up and he sat down. I turned to look at him. "I am sorry" he said. I looked him in the eyes. His eyes looked crystal blue. He lent in. His lips were so full. He was just inches from my faces... "SALLY DYLAN ARE YOU IN THERE" Dylan jumped back. "YEAH MUM" He shouted back. My face felt like it was on fire. "Come on!" He grabbed my hand. Tingles flew up my arm. Why though he is my best friend I have never had feelings for him. Have I.
This chapter is short but ok. Please comment wether you like it or not. Sorry again for not updating for a while xx

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