C17. "Indirectas"

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Narra la rayis (T/n)

Miraba hacia mi ventana, ✋🏻😔 pensando lo que se me ocurría para mí canción hasta que se me ocurrió una nueva canción...


Saw youu there
Standing with your long dark hair
Cuffed up jeans and ur OBP


Thought you were the one for me
Looking like an S N A C C
With your OBP

Turns out you're just a feminist
Thought you were so much better Than this
I bet you only eat gluten free and Probably worship
Judging by your pics you only hang with hippies
You might as well be gay!
You might as well be gay!
You might as well be gay!

Get off your high horse
Make out with me
I should be your priority
Forget your obp

Such a shame
Really I'm the one to blame
Anyone like thats too good to last
And too busy for parties

Turns out you're just a feminist
Thought you were so much better Than this
I bet you only eat gluten free and Probably worship
Judging by your pics you only hang with hippies
You might as well be gay!
You might as well be gay!
You might as well be gay!

I know that times are hard
And that "the economy is failing"
And you hate our current president
And "the wage gaps are alarming"
Well it's time to end the bandwagon!
These trends are overdue
Andd now i'm finally realizing

Because you're just a feminist
Thought you were so much better Than this
I bet you only eat gluten free and Probably worship
Judging by your pics you only hang with hippies
You might as well be gay!
You might as well be gay!
You might as well be gay!

And it's OK

Terminé de escribir la letra y me puse a traducirla en un vídeo... para después subirla, tengo miedo de que a nadie le guste la canción y que en los comentarios solo estén comentarios de Hate... la subí, si subí la canción... y así quedó...

Espere a que tenga por lo menos 2 vistas... y en tanto esperar y esperar me quedé dormida...

Al día siguiente mi laptop explotaba de notificaciones y todas esas notificaciones eran de el vídeo "OBP" parece que les gustó... avía muchas comentarios como...

"Que hermosa canción"

"¡¿T/n hizo esa canción?!"

"Estoy segura que esa canción es
dedicada a Aidan..."

"Amooo está canción es hermosa"

"El vídeo está bien pero la
canción es hermosa ❤️👄❤️"

"T/n tienes mucho potencial"

Todo estaba bien hasta que ví
Este comentario de Aidan...

"T/n tienes mucho potencial y la canción
es muy linda pero tienes que dejar
de tirar indirectas ¡Por favor! Y necesito
que vengas a mi casa Ahora..."

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