Chapter 3: Sulphur Sky

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"Pro. Maxted, check in," Captain Meyers demands. "Commander Sissay, Five and I are on the route through the colony's main garden area, in search of the figure I saw. Are you tracking us?"

"We see you, Captain. Simons and I are in the colony's command hub watching your suit cams."

I try not to look at the bodies. I don't want to see them, and I don't want Maxted or Peter to have to see them either.

"My drones detected movement in your area, Captain Meyers," VR1-ICA states in her neutral tone. "But with most sensors offline, I cannot localize."

Peter lets out an unsure noise. It's displeased, worried. "I still think we should focus on fixing the coms satellite. The city's falling apart. The people butchered each other! We need to call for rescue and leave."

I understand his worry. This is all terrifying. I mean, we've technically done what we were supposed to do, which was investigate why communication with the colony stopped. It stopped because everyone here killed each other. The only thing we don't know is why, but it's hard to focus on finding out why when you're stranded and you know if you die too, no one will come find your body for months, possibly years.

I may have to die on this planet, but that doesn't mean I want anyone else to.

"My satellite software needs to be fully rebuilt," VR1-ICA says. "Doing so will take time. Until then, it can only transmit malware."

"Someone's sabotaged the satellite, Mr. Simons," Meyers says. "Someone might be able to tell us why and how, and we need to know what happened to these people."

"Do we have any ideas?" I ask. "I mean, what causes this type of thing? Even if there was some sort of conflict, the fact that there's only one survivor is... unsettling."

Commander Sissay nods in agreement, his hazel eyes focusing on the sky. "Got to say, not a fan of this yellow sky. The way it swirls over the dome, it-it's nauseating."

I raise a brow. His voice is wavering. He must really not be feeling well. I make a note that once we've found this survivor, I'll try to find some mint for the Commander. That's what the doctors told me to use whenever I have bouts of nausea.

"It's the bodies I can't stand," Pro. Maxted replies. "I know you military types are hardened to it, but the rest of us... There's another colonist hanging from a tree ahead of you."

As we pass it, I study the noose around the woman's neck. I can only wonder if she did that to herself, or if someone else strung her up. I can't truly say which one is worse.

Commander Sissay shudders. "I-I never thought I'd say this, but... I miss the earth. Sure, the climate's wrecked, the planet's polluted and the UN's barely holding the brush fire walls back, but at least when people die, you know why."

"Mostly because someone like you shot them, Commander Sissay," Peter mumbles, and Sissay clenches his jaw.

"I've had about enough of you, Simons!" He roars. I flinch away from him, eyes widening when I see the absolute rage on his face, as if he's ready to go back to the command hub and strangle Peter himself.

"Stop it, both of you," Captain Meyers shouts, glaring at Sissay. I can only imagine the look she'd give Peter if he were with us. "We're all tense enough as it is."

Sissay sighs, reaching past his visor to rub his temples. "Sorry. Sorry. I... I've got a hell of a headache. Think it's post-cryo hangover."

I frown. Usually post-cryo hangovers don't take effect until a day or two after emerging from cryo-sleep. We've only been up and about for a few hours now.

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