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"You don't remember what happened when you met me?" Moriarty inquired. 

"I remember pieces but not everything," Ciel stood with his back facing Moriarty. He stared out the window to his study, looking down at Finnian making a mess of things. "Truth be told, I didn't remember your entire existence until you fell onto my lawn," Ciel looked over his shoulder. "But, I shall pay you the same courtesy. Feel free to stay here." 

"You-" Moriarty opened his mouth but words didn't escape. Each time he tried to tell Ciel what happened on his side of things, the words disappeared. Something of a nature he didn't understand was keeping him from warning Ciel about his twin. Perhaps because this was information of Ciel's future? But he remembered Moriarty himself... Unable to solve the question at the moment, Moriarty pushed it to the side. "You are very kind." Feeling a sharp pain in his forehead, Moriarty winced, grabbing his head. 

"Are you alright?" Ciel asked.

"I will accompany our guest to his chambers. I imagine he is quite tired," Sebastian smiled in that way of his. He guided the way for Moriarty. 

"I would advise you against telling the Young Master anything," Sebastian spoke, opening the door to a guest room of some sort. 

"Was that you then?" Moriarty stared blankly in his direction. 

Sebastian provided no answer to that specific question. "If there are demons in this England, do you not believe there to be gods as well?" Sebastian replied. 


"Good night," Sebastian smiled. "Might I also suggest you consider another name during your stay here?" He closed the door on his way out. 

"Right," Moriarty sighed. "I'm a fictional character in this place..." 


Moriarty woke up from the sharp pain in his head. He wandered into the bathroom to wash his face and was shocked by what he saw. His iris had completely changed color...or so it seemed. Moriarty winced once again. His eye did not know whether or not to be his natural red or this strange new color...

Remembering his brother, Moriarty adjusted his hair to cover the dysfunctional eye. "I apologize, Louis, for remembering you just for this," he smiled sadly at his own reflection. 

Moriarty left his room and wandered around the manor. There were few servants here and none of them really seemed very effective. He quickly realized that they were not here to be maids, gardeners, footmen, or chefs, but rather for their other unique abilities. Incredible eyesight and likely a sniper by the callouses on her hands. An ex-soldier. A scientific experiment gone wrong with incredible strength. And, a very interesting persona all on his own. Did he talk through the snakes or did the snakes talk through him? 

"'Why is your eye covered?' asks Bronte. 'Did you hurt yourself falling from the sky?' says Emily." 

"It would appear that I have, although I have no external injuries to show for it," Moriarty replied. "This eye became sensitive to light." 

"'This should make you feel better,' says Wordsworth." Snake held out a cup of tea. "'Nice herbal blend if I do say so myself,' says Oscar." 

"Thank you," Moriarty grabbed the cup and took a sip. 

"Is the master going to hire you too?" Finnian grabbed Moriarty's spare hand and looked up at him with eager eyes. "It's kind of lonely with just us around. We just hired Snake but-" 

"Finnian," Sebastian spoke sternly and Finnian took a step back. "You may not recognize him but our guest is still a nobleman," Sebastian stated. 

"Ah, no," Moriarty smiled. "I was adopted into a noble family perhaps it is best if I become a footman. No one here would recognize my house anyway." 

Sebastian stared carefully at Moriarty's face and then smiled a bit wider than his usual grin for appearances' sake. He nodded. "I shall speak to the Young Master on your behalf." 

"'But Snake is already a footman,' complains Emily." 

"Snake, we are understaffed, please don't feel threatened. You are also quite new here," Sebastian shook his head and walked off to Ciel's study. 

"It's amazing Ciel runs this place alone," Moriarty watched Sebastian's back grow further and further into the distance. 

"Our master is quite the marvel, yes he is," Mey-Rin beamed. 

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