my duty to remind you

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It was as simple as your footfalls upon the hardwood, so quietly stepping as if it was upon snow. It was as simple as your breath taking up the oxygen that I needed to breath but we would never run out of air. It was as simple as your divergence from yourself every little while.

That was my favorite. The times when you were someone else. It was my duty to remind you of who you were.

It was my duty to remind you that you were a piece of chocolate, a shoelace, a lemon scented candle. You were the smell of the leather binding pages of a writers notebook.

It was my duty to remind you of how your name was metalic and warm, filled with cherries dipped in vanilla. I would invoke you to write it down in the case that you would be so forgetful. Stain it with oxblood and silver from the necklace that hung on your neck. Cut it out to hide it away in a book that made you cry.

You were not so lovely at times. That was when I felt you were astranged from yourself. When you were cruel and spiteful to those around you... and to me. Mostly it had been to me. Yet there I would be to coddle you back to normalcy and even though you never asked, I knew.

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