Chapter 13

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*A/N I kept my promise, sorry if any errors didn't really proof read.*

 Soon the weekend was over. On Sunday round 4:00pm, Morgan walked back to her place and for the rest of the day I worked on my unfinished homework.

 On Monday morning I sluggishly got out bed and got dressed. I was too tired to look nice today so I just put on a plain blue shirt, blue jeans, and grey flats.  I walked down the stairs, greeted my mom good morning, and walked out the house. I went in my car, picked up Morgan, and then drove to school.

            During the ride to school we stayed quiet and listened to the bright pop music playing through the radio. We were both just too tired to start a conversation. (Plus it was Monday so that's just an excuse itself.)

            We got to school and walked to homeroom together. We sat down in front of our two friends, Jayla and Cassidy.

            "So I'm guessing you too made up?" Cassidy assumed Morgan and I both nodded in response.

            "So, how was everybody's weekend?" I asked the group, mainly Cassidy and Jayla though, since Morgan been at my house the whole time.

            "It was okay I guess. I just stayed home and studied for my History test." Cassidy explained with a shrug.

            "Mine was okay as well, didn't really do anything" Jayla also answered

            Not knowing how to continue the conversation we let it die out. Cass and Jay got lost in their own worlds by having their own conversation while Morgan and I just went on our phones. I got bored rather quickly so I placed my phone away in my back pocket and turned towards Morgan.

            She was still on her phone not noticing that I got off mine and was turned towards her. I poked her upper thigh to get her attention and she slowly took her eyes of her phone and at me.

            "What?" she asked

            "I'm bored."

            She chuckled as she placed her phone in her back pocket. "Same here, Homeroom is going so slow."

            "How much time do we have left in here?"

            Morgan turned her head to look at the clock, "About 5 or 6 minutes" she answered as she turned back around.

            I nodded my head in response. "So what did you do after you went home?"

"My Aunt was still over, turns out she decided to stay till tomorrow so I had to stay up till 11 watching some old 70's movie with her and listen to her complain about how annoying her neighbors are."

            "That sounds like hell." I laughed

            "It was."

            The bell rang signaling the end of Homeroom, Morgan and I said bye to Cass and Jayla and headed to 1st period. We said hello to our teacher as we passed his desk and went to our seat. Surprisingly first period went by fast and I said goodbye to Morg and met up with Cayden who was waiting by the door. He smiled when he saw me and I gave a small smiled back.

            "Good Morning Iris."  He greeted while giving me a kiss in the cheek. It took all of my strength not to cringe when he pressed his lips to me.

            "Morning." I responded, while forcing a grin onto my face.

            Cayden joined hands with me and we walked to 2nd period. I sat down at my table and he sat down at his.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 25, 2015 ⏰

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