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avi pov.

hello i look like an egg anyways my brother is one punch man and he found this guy on the sode of the road who van play guitar and sing.

we made a band called sad heroes bc happy villans isnt emo enough.

one punch man and i play drums but unlike him i can sing.

mustache man can sing too ig.

we decided to write a song about a way to make eggs and we stole one of 5sos's titles bc were cool. anyways.

we get bullied by emo teens and adults on twitter bc we suck. <3

anyways we dropped the actor the liar and we thought for the song about eggs the song about houses and the song about acting it would be cool to have our faces on the covers being choked by bitches and we guilttriped our friend into doing it for the album cover🤠

anyways i should prolly stop sitting in my room taliking to myself.

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