How I met him:

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High school.

We all love high school... (sarcasm)
I didn't mind high school. I wasn't involved in the popular side. More on the nerdy side tbh.

I did all the honors, AP course. Hell I even took some classes related to my major.

But I didn't even know him. He was a grade level ahead. So I never would have think my paths with him would met.

It actually started with me knowing his friends. Especially one of his friends.

One of his friends I met at a club. He was ok. Until he opened his mouth. Literally talked so much about the females in ew ways.

And you know how the world is so small. I learned a secret from his friend. Oh man.

Anyways his friend called me so much shit. Telling me I am a b*itch and a you know all of the other words.

Just because I found out that he was treating a girl a certain way.

Out of the blue. I get messages from all these guys. Calling me shit. I knew who they were by name  but I didn't know faces.

So me being a mega SMART cookie. I went a hunt these mf. And tell all them that his friend is the biggest ass hat in the history of male d*cks.

I found all of them excluding him.

He was the one that talk and and said the means things. So I WANTED TO HUNT HIM DOWN.

I asked everyone. Do you know "Ryan".
And the response was always "Oh yah, mans is chill"
And I always got some description of him. Like he is this tall man. Oh he is so smart .....etc.

Until one day I found him after school at the mechanical room where the STEM clubs are held.

You know what I DID.

I slapped him.

And told him that he can start judging me from that moment not the moment you hear your friend talk shit.
I literally said you DONT KNOW ME.

He said sorry and sh*t after I told him about what his friend was doing.

Anyways. It wasn't until the following year. With my beautiful brains I was ahead one year on the maths than he was. Haha HAHAHA.

The scary part I had class with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2021 ⏰

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