Chapter 19

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It's been a few weeks since we've seen Makayla... and she hasn't shown up anywhere, not at my home, or at my school. She hasn't seemed to harm my family or friends either. Maebelle thought, sitting in class, holding her blue purse close to her.

The girl let out a deep and worried breath that she hardly knew she was keeping in. Now, putting one arm on her desk and laying her head on her palm.

I really should stop focusing on something so negative, like her, and start focusing on class. Maebelle thought.

However, after about fifteen minutes of focusing on class, the blue eyed girl's thoughts drifted elsewhere.

...I can't believe I told Lloyd I liked him... and I really said "I liked him a lot," what a dork... She thought as her face slowly turned red. But knowing myself I would tell him eventually... and now knowing his childhood, he really had it rough... hmm... I mean I guess I can see how he thinks his younger self and I are similar... broadly we were both tormented. Pushed around. Kicked and hit. Yeah, I get it. The raven haired young woman thought.

Gah...! Wait...! I went back to my negative thinking again, didn't I? Maebelle thought with another sigh. The young woman shook her head a little.

"Miss Evans! Can you answer this, please?" Her college professor asked.

The dark haired young woman's face turned red once more. Oh gosh, huh?! "Um-"


"I'm so lucky I got that answer right..." the young woman whispered exiting her college, a giant sigh of relief leaving her chest. I haven't seen Tamara or Emma all day, did something happen? Maebelle thought. I hope not... "Hm, they could've just skipped class and gone shopping together... I hope that was the case..." the girl whispered.

"Anyways, I should go see Lloyd and tell him the news about Makayla... again." Maebelle mumbled. Seriously it's strange that she hasn't shown up... also scary... the blue eyed female thought, starting to walk off into the Poor District.

However... if Makayla had done something to Emma and Tamara... The dark haired girl squeezed the strap of her purse, not even wanting to think about it. 'Would that woman go that far just to get to me?-' The girl was cut off from thought, noticing something.

"Huh...?" The young woman mumbled, an eyebrow raised a bit. That's... Lloyd...? Maebelle thought, noticing the whisper white haired male leaning against an alleyway wall checking his phone. That's weird he's usually at his apartment when I'm at classes...? Even when I'm done...? The blue eyed girl thought tilting her head to the side a little. "Hey, Llo-!" She got cut off, feeling something over her mouth. Her blue eyes widened. This is way too much deja vu! She thought, very worried.

Let's work on kicks and punches. The girl remembered. However, she didn't know where to kick, so she just went with wherever her gut told her to and the dark haired female ended up kicking in between the person's legs.

"OW! FUCK!" The man who covered Maebelle's mouth yelled.

The weight lessened! The young woman thought and immediately pushed him away with as much strength as she could muster and ran. However when she got to what seemed like 'Lloyd' she noticed it wasn't exactly him. It's a hologram?! Who has enough time to make stuff like this?! The blue eyed female thought irritated. She looked back, noticing the guy was about to come back for her (much more vexed). "Whatever! I need to go!" She whispered before running.

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