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I Vanessa Davids, here by swear to keep all our encounters confidential at all times, under all circumstances. I hereby state that I will have dinner ready on the preferred, specified nights upon your arrival. I Vanessa Davids, promise to never speak to nor look at your wife/girlfriend/child's mother and in turn, You Shawn Williams will make every effort to make sure we DO NOT end up in the same location. I will be available to you 3 nights a week and I will specify 48 hours in advance if plans should change. You Shawn Williams, will not lie and make me feel as if I am more than just a side chick and I in turn will not introduce you to anyone relevant in an attempt to feel more relevant. As your side chick, I also understand the hours that are permissible to call your phone and/or text. However, you are able to text and/or call at your leisure. You are not allowed to act jealous; this violates the clause to not make me feel relevant. In the event that your "other half" contacts me, I am to act as if I am a girlfriend, of a good friend of yours and you will follow up with that friend to play along as needed. You Shawn Williams must, under oath, buy me gifts for holidays,but I will accept them 24 to 48 hours after the actual holiday, and I Vanessa Davids will in return fulfill your every wish and live out your fantasy. Lastly, I Vanessa Davids am NOT ALLOWED to have a relationship with anyone and only devote my time and body to you, Shawn Williams.

Side Chick: Vanessa Davids

Date: March 6, 2015.      

Cheater: Mr. Shawn Williams

Date: March 6, 2015.

This contract is hereby valid till March 6, 2016.

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