Vanir Witches

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Sigyn's work preassur and her daily leassons increased surprisingly since the Royal Ball. It was as if the hoirs with Frigga increased significantly or maybe she felt restless. By the time her leassons ended, she would be summoned to the healing room by Skadi to work on a new healing technique she was trying to create.

Three days passed in this way and Loki grew more restless. He doubted that maybe Sigyn regreted her decision and is therefore gonna leave him alone. But a major part of him didn't wanted to believe that. Sleep despised him and even if it came it was for only two or three hours. And in those hours, he would dream of Sigyn. When he would wake up, he would relive those dreams and spend the days. He accepted that his life is going to be like this for the rest of his days.

On the middle of the third night something happened. Sigyn had returned to her room after midnight from the healing room. She decided to take a shower before sleeping and was planning to visit Loki on the weekend when she'll get a day off. She was just going to her dressing mirror from the bathroom, still wearing her bathrobes when she felt a severe pain in her head and she fainted for a second.

A vision came infront of her eyes within that second. Blood, fire, destruction, war and an evil force was spreading in all over Asgard and moreover, on a person she loved so dearly, Frigga. She stood up fast from the floor and looked at her reflection with a scared face. She realised that a dark force was coming to Asgard and it felt very near. She has to warn the Almother. But at this hour of the night, she can't storm into the King and Queen's room and tell them all these. She has to wait till morning. But she can't. The disaster was near. She has to act. And the only person who came to her mind who can actually help saving Frigga was a very impossible choice. But she has to go and ask him. And he was the only person who she can disturb at any hour of the day and he would listen to her.

She quickly changed her robes and wore a simple dress and procceded towards Loki's room.

Loki was deep in sleep by now. When he was awaken from his sleep, he was still dreaming of Sigyn. And finding Sigyn infront of him, kneeling by his bed, he thought that he was still in his vivid dream.

He caresed her face and said "Sigyn. Are you even real?"

Sigyn couldn't answer. She was confused on what Loki was saying.

Loki didn't wait for her to reply. He said, still with half closed eyes, "You know there's a thing called chocolate in Midguard. It's made from Cocoa. It's beautiful. You would never find a good enough Cocoa tree in all of Asgard or in Vanahiem. I will take you to Midguard and show you Cocoa feilds. Long, long cocoa feilds. Sigyn, will you come with me to see the cocoa feilds?" Loki said in a drunk voice. He was in a too much of a deep sleep, Sigyn can say that.

Sigyn shaked him hard and shouted "Loki! Wake up you idiot!! Wake up!"

Loki now fully woke up. He sat up on his bed and rubbed his face hard. Then he looked at Sigyn with a very red face from rubbing hard. His hair was all messed up and locks fell on his eyes. He said "Sigyn. What are you doing here? At this hour? Are you all right?" he said and touched her shoulders.

Sigyn sat up on his bed and pulled his hair from his face and rubbed them backwards, touching his face. "No I'm not fine. And neither will you be." she said.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"A dark force is coming to Asgard. And they are coming here for something. Something very important. Don't ask me when they are coming or for what. I just know that it's very near." Sigyn said in one breath.

"Sigyn calm down. Concentrate on my voice and calm down." Loki said holding her face in both his palms. He said "Take long breaths. Inhale, exhale."

And Sigyn did. She listened to him and calmed down slowly.

"Now focus on the vision you had. Close your eyes and tell me what did you see."

"Asgard. There was a war and blood, lots of blood and fire. And they were in the Almother's room, going to attack her. But I didn't see beyond that."

"Mother?" Loki said being scared.

"Yes, Loki. We have to save her."

"We will. We will." Loki said holding her in his chest as she panicked.

Right at that moment, Hiemdel played his emergency siren from the bifrost end aafter he created the protective shield across the Asgardian borders.

Sigyn pulled herself out of Loki's chest and looked towards the northern sky towarfs the source of the siren.

"Loki. What does this mean?"

"It means someone has declared war aggainst Asgard and is procceding towards us. Hiemdel hasn't blowed his horns for a thousand years until this day. It must mean a great threat." Loki said.

"We have to go now." Sigyn suggested.

"But where will we go?"

"To your mother's room you idiot." Sigyn said and got up from the bed pulling on Loki's left hand.

Loki too got up from his bed and was about to leave his room when he realised that he was, still, a prisioner. He stopped in his tracks and Sigyn looked back at him.

"What happened Loki?" she asked coming towards him.

"Sigyn." he said, "I, can't go out of here. I'm not allowed outside this room. Odin won't be... Odin will do something bad to us, to you. When he will know that it was you who took me out. I don't want you to suffer because of me."

Sigyn creased her eye brows in an expression of doubt and said "I don't care about Odin Loki. I don't care what he does to me after this. I care about Frigga and I have to save her. And I need your help for that. Will you be able to sit in this room knowing that your mother is in danger?"

"No. Let's go then." Loki said and nodded.

"Yes. Let's go." said Sigyn and the two stormed out of his room.

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