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A few years ago, I was bullied for, and I quote, being 'black'. It hurt me greatly and I just really dreaded going to school everyday, but then one day, I finally stood up for myself. I was about ten, almost eleven, and we were all in class at break, unattended.

The bully, who I shall not name, was having a go at me and my friends again, but mostly me, and she had picked up her brown twistable, or maybe it was black, and said;

"I hate this colour,"

And she had been staring at my friends and I while saying it, and I kind of just snapped after realizing that nobody should be treated that way. No matter who you were, what you looked like, how much money you had, how much money you didn't have, what your heritage was, who your parents were.

None of it matters, we are all human and none of us deserve to be put down because of something stupid like your race or your family status.

It wasn't excessive bullying, but it was bullying, because it hurt, the words hurt, and I went home every evening in tears.

So don't shy away if you see bullying, whether it's online, at home, in your neighbourhood, at school, stand up and fight against bullying.

Even if you have no idea who the victim is; they'll appreciate a complete stranger standing up for them, especially if they don't do it themselves.

And you'll feel proud and happy after, because I've done it. I stood up to my bully, when she was disrespecting my friends and I, and when she insulted my mother, and I've also stood up to someone who was bullying one my of best friends, who means the absolute world to me.

So do it, don't be afraid to stand up and fight for what you believe in.
Be one of the 10% of people who fight against bullying, because it's not nice, and no one deserves to be bullied.

((And if you are a bully, the person who makes someone else's life a living hell either verbally or physically, or both, then I suggest that you take a step back and really look at what you've done, and you'll regret ever saying or doing something that harmed another human being.))

And for the NoMoreBullying Challenge, I nominate;

doctorwholover46 DoNotMicrowave JessGirl93 Larry_Lashton That_so_jack

((It's only supposed to be 5 people, but I also nominate @chooseitwisely and knightsrachel and if she's on then: anacmendonca779 , I don't know if Ana's gonna see it though, so...))

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2015 ⏰

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