Chapter Two

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Zayn and the boys were out in the yard while Hope and the rest of the girls wandared off in the house.

Hope couldn't stay away from the boy. Its been a day since he got here and he was laying on the couch without moving ever since.

"Come on, wake up." Hope whispered as she kneeled beside the couch.

When the boy moved his head a bit, her eyes grow and she immediately started shaking him.

"Zayn!" She shouted.

Zayn walked into the house and sighed when he saw she was probably calling him because of the boy again. She did it several times during that day, she was positive he was about to wake up.

"He's waking up, I swear!" She exclaimed.

Zayn walked over and stared at the boy. Hope kept shaking him and this time to Zayn's surprise, he did open his eyes.

Blue beautiful eyes met them and both Zayn and Hope couldn't deny that his eyes were mesmerizing.

"Hi buddy." Hope spoke gently.

The boy turned his head to look at her and blinked several times, not understanding what's going on.

He pulled himself to sit and groaned when he felt a sharp pain in his back.

"What's your name?" Zayn spoke, not so gently.

But he didn't responded. He just looked around and fear slowly creeped into his big eyes. He had no idea where he was.

"Its okay, you're safe." Hope assured.

"What's your name, kid?" Zayn repeated.

"I.. I don't.." The boy seemed unsure as he stumbled over his words.

"You're up." Kyle walked into the living room as well and smiled as he saw the boy alive and sitting.

"What happened to you?" Hope couldn't hold her curiousity.

"What happened to me?" The boy repeated slowly, with a frown.

"You were practicaly dead when we found you." Kyle spoke, can't hold himself as well.

"So what's your name?" Kyle pushed.

"I don't know." The boy admitted in a whisper.

"You don't know your name?" Zayn narrowed his eyes, suspecting the boy already.

"You mean, you lost your memory?" Hope gasped as she touched his bandeged head.

"Give him some space. All of you." Jenny walked into the living room.

"Are you thirsty?" She asked as she sat beside him on the couch. The boy nodded and took in a dry breathe.

Hope rushed to the kitchen and came back with a glass of water after a few seconds.

The boy drank slowly, feeling all the eyes directly on him.

"What do you remember?" Jenny asked after he was done.

"I remember..." He closed his eyes, trying to go back in his mind.

"I can't.." His voice was a whisper now. He wanted to cry from the fear and anxious that filled his body. He couldn't remember who he is or even his own name.

"Its okay." Jenny stopped him from thinking.

"Go take a shower and I'll change your bandages." Hope spoke gently.

The boy didn't respond. He had no idea who they were or if he can trust them.

"I'll take him." Kyle pulled the boy to stand and then led him up the stairs.

Forgotten (Ziall)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora