Diluc one shot fluffy?? I aint know no more

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I heard a bird chirp outside the old fashioned window. I yawned deeply not wanting to get up but oh well. I stumbled as if I was drunk over to the bathroom . I stared at myself in a slight disappointment. I couldn't tell if I was feeling myself today or not.

I brush out my hair a bit so there aren't as much loose hair sticking up. The eye-bags under my eyes did not compliment my eyes or hair at all and it was not working for me. I dress myself and then walk out the door. I put my hand above my eyes as I let them adjust to the sunlight.

"Good morning Mondstadt." I whispered to myself as I closed the door to my house and locked it. I now have to do my usual working routine at Angel's Share working as a bar tender. I don't have to work all week though which is nice. Master Diluc occasionally works there working at the bar. That means I get the day off and can just relax and maybe nap.

I walk into Angel's Share with a displeasing look on my face. To my surprise I saw Master Diluc working at the bar. " Oh! Uh, Master Diluc arent you supposed to be at Dawns winery today?" I asked, slightly surprised he didn't give me any notice he was working.

"Mm.. Nope today I am working at the bar. I thought you knew that. Especially considering its on the schedule." He said looking up slightly, not wanting to get distracted from the drink he was making.
What the hell. I thought to myself. He probably thinks im the worst worker now! Ugh why didnt i check the schedule this week! I mentally hit myself for being dumb.

He served out his drink to the drunk man sitting at the bar. Then stopping making any other drinks.
"You seem distressed." He said curiosity in his tone.
I waved it off "Im fine don't worry about your friendly worker," I turned to the door and started to leave until he cleared his throat
"Hm? Where do you think you're going?" He said as nervousness filled my voice. Is this the moment where he fires me and then im on the streets?! I worried myself over thinking things.

"You are going to serve the drinks out today" He said hearing a slight chuckle. You could swear he could read peoples minds. It felt like he knew you were shaking in your boots.
"Ah of course!" I laughed with relief .

I lost track of time but i was moving and having to politely explain to the drunk adults that they were not allowed any more drinks. I forgot one table though. The one on the second floor.

An middle aged man was sitting up there when I went to clean up and sweep. I had a shocked look and he was definitely intoxicated. It took a lot of courage to go up to him and say
"Uh, sir. It's unfortunate to say this but you aren't allowed any more drinks for your own safety." I said to him. I was nervous he'd take the bottle on his table and threaten me. I guess im a physic.

He stood up his words slurring but all I could make of it is "Now listen here you little bitch! I will drink what i wish to drink" I was not taking that tone at all. Let alone him calling me a bitch! Hell no. I put a more annoyed and angry tone on like Master Diluc's!

"Listen sir. Do not speak to staff that way or else i will have to ask you to leave!" I said to him he did not like that one bit. He picked up a wine bottle. My eyes widened as i saw him lift it up slowly but not slowly enough for me to run.

All i could do was let out a scream at the moment. I heard a hurried movement from downstairs. I was praying it was Master Diluc coming to save me. Well i was more praying he'd make it in time. A loud smash sound rang as my world went black. I dont know what happened when i blacked out but i can assume that he hit me with the bottle and then Master Diluc apprehended him and hopefully banned him from ever coming back to Angel's Share.

I woke up on a very comfortable bed. Not like the one at my own house it was more old and rough. I yawned as I sat up looking around. This wasn't my house?! I got up and looked at myself making sure I am okay. I am in pajamas... but no bruises on my arms or legs.

I felt a sharp pain on my forehead. Must have been where i got hit. The doorknob rattled as a main walked in the room.
"You're awake! Im glad! Ill tell Master Diluc right away!" She scurried out of the room forgetting to close the door behind her.

My face was stuck in a shocked expression. She said everything so fast I couldn't process her coming into the room yet. Master Diluc walked into the room a concerned expression on his face. I must admit he did look quite well in this attire. A buttoned up shirt and a high up ponytail.
"Are you okay?" He said softly . You never heard his voice like it before it was.. nice.
"I'm okay thank you for worrying. Can you please explain what happened before I passed out?"

I smiled softly as he nodded
"Well after you fell on the floor I heard the thump of your body falling down. At first I thought it was a drunk person so i was going up to escort them out but when I saw you on the floor well..." he tapped his chin wondering how to word it. "I rushed over to the man who hit you he still had the top of the broken bottle in his hand. I yelled at him for assaulting a worker and permanently banned him from Angel's Share. I have not yet reported it to the knights due how inefficient they are. They will probably only apprehend the man a couple months later." He scoffed

I smiled "Thank you for saving me. That makes you my hero." I softly said my first attempt at flirting with my boss.
"Hm. I guess it does." He kissed the top of my head avoiding my injury then walked out. I sat there dazed who knew Master Diluc was one for head kisses.

Hi hi this is probably going to be the only chapter I make because ill forget about it in a week or so so we chillin. Anyways 1139 words !!!<3333 bye now

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2021 ⏰

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