Choose your fights wisely

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TW: blood, violence, implied shouting, favoritisme, bullying, injuries

East Asia have been sent to North and South Korea's house for reasons that the author is too lazy to think of, as some of you may know, east Asia doesn't exactly get along, so when they're stuck in a house together two gremlins may or may not decide to have a fist fight.

"Stop it North Korea!" Taiwan shouted.

"Oh, or what?" North turned away from his position of T-posing over South.

"You know what? That's it! You've been nothing but an annoying, mean country ever since we came to this god damn house!" Taiwan shouted.

Japan looked up from the book she was reading.

"Oh, and what are you gonna do Taiwan, you're tiny!"

Taiwan's face flushed red with anger, Taiwan started walking towards North Korea, "I'll- I'll beat you up!"

"Wait, wait, wait, Taiwan, calm down." Japan said running towards him and grabbing his hand.

"No! Japan aren't you sick of this absolute bitch boy trying to boss us around!?"

"Taiwan-sama," Japan whispered in a scarily hushed voice. "Pick your fights wisely."

"Ok I'll..." Taiwan started, looking down at his shoes, but then shook his head and immediately seemed to change his mind, "No. No, someone needs to put this asshole in his place!" He turned around and immediately punched North Korea in the face. Since North wasn't expecting it to hit so hard. Anger flashed in his eyes and he laughed, "Ok, come at me bitch!" He laughed, he tried to punch Taiwan in the guts but unfortunately missed.

Taiwan's instincts weren't fast enough to dodge a hit straight in the eye though. That was going to leave a mark, he was sent flying to the ground, luckily he tucked his head in the crook of his neck like Japan taught him, shit, he still bit his tongue though, and he could taste blood, lucky she did because otherwise he was sure he would have had a concussion. Maybe it would be worth it just for the mass amount of trouble North would have gotten into though. He spotted North walking up to him and kicked him right in the stomach.

"What's going on here!" They heard a feminine voice shout, and. It. Was. China.

There was one person that Taiwan hates more than North Korea, China, Taiwan's older sister. She didn't really act like it though. She acted more like Norths' and unfortunately she was put in charge. Taiwan had South and Japan though so it didn't really matter.

She walked in front of North Korea

"What's going on here!?"

"North was-" Taiwan started but was interrupted by the very culprit of it all.

North Korea started, "No- it was-"

"You little shit! Don't try to blame me for what you did!!!"

"You started it-!"

China interrupted them, she looked pissed. "Okay, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, your grounded for the rest of the day, go to your rooms, and go treat Taiwan's wounds before he gets hurt again, North, you come with me."

North Korea stuck up his middle finger at Taiwan from behind China's back.

Taiwan glared at China, "Can you even do that!? And Japan didn't even-" Taiwan was cut of once more.

"I said. Go to your room, Taiwan." Taiwan hated it when she used that voice. It scared him, he didn't like being scared, especially by things as dumb as that.

Pick you're fights wiselyWhere stories live. Discover now