Try to love me (helsa)

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The full moon shown on the the two friends in the forest by their private camp fire .Elsa was sitting on the bench running her hand through his hair as he lay with his head on her lap telling her of his adventures on the edge. Since they met seven months ago and they had been meeting like this in the enchanted forest. They had grown to find a friend in each other.
  Although hiccup wasn't the most handsome man she had ever seen, plus he was a bit primitive. He was smart and she liked smart men. He had  always showed interest in her and never missed a chance to flirt with her. She liked him too but she just didn't like taking risks. She feared that if things ended badly she wouldn't be able to salvage their friendship. So she had always managed to avoid the subject anytime he would try to bring up the prospect of  a relationship.
Tonight however, it seemed hiccup had finally had enough.
   Her laughter died as she realized he had stopped talking and was just staring fondly at her. She tried to look away but it was too late. "Elsa you know I love you right ?"
"Yeah you might have mentioned something like that once or twice" she said jokingly but it didn't work, hiccup sat up to face her. "Why don't you want to love me back ?" He asked.

"I do but-"

"You're trying not to " he said and Elsa's heart cracked along with his voice.
"Hiccup, love is just...very tricky, because of who I am "Elsa looked down at her hands.
" I've had people who say that they love me either because I'm the queen or because of my powers"
Although a lot more practical than her sister ,she could not still tell what true love looked like."love is far too complicated for me to not make a mistake."

Hiccup knelt in front of her and took her hands in his. The camp fire light had put some gold in  his green eyes making him look ethereal. He placed her hands over his heart confident that she would not hurt him.

"You're wrong Elsa , I am not like the others , i don't see myself breaking your heart" she stared at him, looking for a sign of insincerity. A sign that was not there.
"I don't know the future..but as of now , I don't think I will ever stop loving you"

She looked down at her hand on his chest and realized that it was his way of trusting her with his heart almost the same way he hoped she could trust him with hers.

"I don't think I could ever stop loving you too" as soon as those words reached his ears he grabbed her arm pulled her down to the ground with him. Their lips greeting each other in a very tender first kiss.

Please comment and vote. For now I'll leave you to wonder what I'll write next.

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