Smiley x Reader.

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One night (Y/n) was sitting all alone on her couch, a warm blanket wrapped wrapped around her arms. She looked around a bored look  in her (e/c) eyes. She looks down at her phone, her best friend, Smiley, had just texted. Smiley had been (Y/n)'s friend for awhile now, and she has developed a crush on him, even though he is really fucking rude sometimes. 


Hey, (Y/n)? are you online?


                                                                                                                                               I am, what do you need?


Well I was wonder if maybe i could come over because
im really bored...


                                                                                                                                      of course smiley!


great i'll be there in ten

timeskip to when lord smiley arrives.

"Hey (n/n) i'm here!" Smiley says, knocking on the door. (Y/n) jumps up and opens the door hugging the one she simps oh so much for. Smiley chuckles and hugs back, "Damn (Y/n) didn't think you'd miss me that much, hahahah!" (Y/n) blushes and lets the tall boy go, and opens the door wider for him to come in. 

Once they sit on the couch Smiley grabs (Y/n)'s hands. "(Y-y/n), I have something I want to tell you." (Y/n)'s heart starts beating faster and faster, 'Has he liked me the whole time too?! Does he love me as much as I love him?!' Her brain asks. Smiley looks down before mumbling, "I was the one who stole your cookie at lunch..." (Y/n)'s heart stops. You could almost hear the shatter of her heart breaking into a million pieces. 'Oh my fucking god i'm so dumb wHY WOULD HE LOVE ME!?' "B-but that's not the only thing.." Smiley grabs (Y/n)'s face and kisses her, "(Y/n) I really like you. I've liked you since the day we met, and I can't think of my life without you, so w-will you be my girlfriend?" (Y/n) nods with tears of happiness in her eyes as she kisses Smiley.

They fuck and live terribly with 4 demonic children.
The end.

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