09 - The Soul

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When the four boys eventually walked into the kitchen, Evie was sitting next to the bodies of her parent's. Michael immediately noticed the dried tear stains on the girl's face, but he was slightly confused as to why she wasn't still crying.

"E-Evie?" He asked quietly, his voice echoing around the silent house.

The black-haired head turned slowly to look at him, and his heart felt like it was being squeezed and twisted by two invisible hands when he saw the colour of her eyes.

They were red... they were his eyes.

What had she done? What had she agreed to? And why had it happened so soon?

Michael could remember when this had happened to Luke's brother. Ben had been strong, he had held on for so long, but eventually he slipped into his grasp.

Perhaps Evie wasn't going to be that strong. Perhaps she had gone through too much already. She had lost her family, her boyfriend. What about her friends? Were they close enough to her that she would be able to pull herself back for them?

"Evie... what a pretty girl she was." Evie's voice came from her lips, but Michael and the others knew it wasn't her.

The girl stood, and slowly walked into the hallway, emotionless eyes looking at the pictures on the floor.

"Shame she has to die, isn't it?" The eyes then fell on the boys, and they all simultaneously sucked in a sharp breath.

They could see the grey flecks swimming in the red eyes. She was fighting.

She didn't want to die.

Well, nobody does.

"She can't get away from me. I've given her her wish. She wanted the pain to go away. Her soul belongs to me, and I will have it." The voice was suddenly deep, before Evie's body fell to the floor unconscious.


Ashton was sitting on a chair beside his sofa, staring blankly at the black-haired girl who was lying on the sofa. He had seen the pictures in her house, the pretty blonde girl with shining blue-grey eyes had been her, he could see the resemblance.

How could someone... something... do this to such a happy girl? How did he have such inhumanity to kill everyone she cared about?

He heard low murmurs coming from Evie's mouth and he immediately sat up straighter and watched her, a smile on his face.

Her eyes opened and she looked at him, her face was completely blank, void of any feeling or emotion whatsoever.

"Hey Evie." Ashton said to her, biting his bottom lip nervously.

She sat up, looking around the room. Her eyes fell on the glass bottle of water beside her and she grabbed it.

"Evie?" Ashton questioned, standing up.

The grey-eyed girl smashed the bottle against the coffee table and plunged the sharp end into Ashton's neck.

// a/n so short I'm sorry, I'm tired... //

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