The snap of a twig

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You feel uncomfortable. You hear the others talking of a strange snake like creature that roams the woods and feeds on passers by.
"It's just an old story made my parents to stop kinds from wandering into the woods"
Is what you have heard but you being the the wimp you are believe it. You continue to walk on, looking around you flinching at every sudden movement made by the rats and squirrels. Too small to be from a huge snake creature.

You hear a shaking of leaves and the group and you stop in your tracks.
"What was that?" One says
"Probs a rat or something I dunno" replies another
You don't think it is. Panicking about everything you instantly think snake monster. It seems impossible for a massive snake thing to live in a well know set of woods and to not be discovered. Probably is a made up story to stop trespassers. The group continues and you follow. You didn't want to be seen as a wimp, these are your peers the ones who bully. If you be a chicken you will never live it down for the rest of school.

One of the boys falls and trips on a small tail that quickly wriggles away
"S-s-snake!!!" You hear him cry
You shut your eyes tightly shut whilst the group scurry about and run. You stay put. You feel a presence approach you. Not a kid, not an adult. You open your eyes to see a large monster. Half snake, half human. You stands there in shock, it's black soulless eyes glaring into your emerald ones
"W-w-wha-who-who are you?" You ask keeping eye contact with the beast.
"I am a Naga. We roam these very woods hunting for food" it replies.
You feel queasy and start to panic.
"I will no longer need to hunt now though. I have already found my prey" it says.
Your breathing becomes rapid and short and you begging to hyperventilate. You fall backwards and slowly back away but it's eyes. It's eyes they are just to mesmerising. Patterns begin to form in them and you feel your self become calm. You stay still and slowly relax your muscles. You feel it's tail tickle your feet and you start to giggle slightly. It then slowly moves up your body and coils it's way around you legs, stopping you from running away. It lifts you up and starts to wrap around the rest of your body meaning you can't move. You are engulfed into a snug blanket of coils from the creatures body and you feel so relaxed due to its swirly eyes that you pass out.

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