Part 25

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Hermione: often enough to be pregnant🤣
Y/n: *giggles*
Hermione: now take the test i'll wait.
Y/n: alright.
*i'm going to the bathroom*
Y/n saying to herself: please..
*you did it so you have to wait for 1 minute*
Y/n: alright 20 seconds left
Hermione: what do you want it to be?
Y/n: positive, i hope so!
Hermione: i hope for you two.
*the time has come..*
Y/n: should i look or should you look?
Hermione: i'll look then it's mire interesting
Hermione: omg-
Y/n: what-
Hermione: omg y/n congratulations!!
Y/n: wait really?!
Hermione: yes!!
Y/n: omg!!
*you guys hug eachothers to tears*
Y/n: how do i tell Fred?!
Hermione: i have a good way to tell
Y/n: and that will be?
Hermione: you have to be not in the mood for the whole day and when it's 8pm you tell him with baby clothes for hints!
Y/n: nice idea let's go shopping with Elizabella and also look for new clothes for her.
Hermione: yesss
Y/n: alright let's go.

~you guys go shopping and get some new clothes for Elizabella and hint clothes~

Y/n: let's go back
Hermione: great idea

~you guys go back~

George: hey you guys are back!
Y/n: mhm!!
Fred: hey love!
Y/n: hey*walks away*

Fred: ok that was kind of weird
George: yeah
Fred: did i do something?
George: no i don't think so
Fred: we'll see later i'll leave her for a minute

~it's now 7pm and you and Hermione are setting things up in the room not agreeing anyone can come in~

Y/n: i am never gonna be mean to Fred again.
Hermione: alright next time i'll just say that you are not feeling well the whole day oOoO that's also a hint!
Y/n: well we've bought like a bunch of baby clothes so i hope he gets it.
Hermione: i hope so two!

~everything is done~

Y/n; alright can you ask fred to be here?
Hermione: ofcourse

~Hermione is getting Fred and i am very nervous~

~he is here~

Fred: hey love
Y/n: hello
Fred: why did she bring me here?
Y/n: i wanted to tell you something..
Fred: and that will be?
Y/n: ok just wait close your eyes!
Fred: alright*closes his eyes*

*you open the bed curtains*

Y/n: you can look in 3..2..1

~he opens his eyes~

Fred: baby clothes?
Y/n: are you getting it?
Fred: not really
Y/n: alright let me get this easy for you

*i grab the test out of bedside table*

Y/n: here take a look.
Fred: *takes a look*
Fred: wait hold up-
Y/n: do you get it?
Fred: are you pregnant?!
Y/n: yes!!
Fred: OMG*hugs you very tight*
Y/n: are you happy??
Fred: yes i am!!

~5 minutes later you guys go downstairs and tell the others the same way~

Y/n: ok guys i have to tell you something
Molly; what is it dear?
Fred: *holds out the baby clothes*
Y/n: do you guys get it?
Molly: not sure
Y/n: alright then
Y/n: *grabs the test out of her pocket*
Y/n: take a look
Molly: o- is this real?
Y/n: yes!
*molly gives me a huge hug*
*and everyone else is shocked*
Y/n: can i get a hug from you guys to or?
*they laugh and give you a hug*

Alright, I've been very busy with school and i know you guys have been waiting for so long! But i promise i work on the story every day.
I also have the script on my laptop so i can have ideas for it!
But i will never give up!!

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