the perfect wedding day

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reigen stepped out from the hotel room, fastening the neck tie around his neck. it was time

shigeo accompanied him down the stairs, carrying reigen's coat on a hanger as the two made their way to the groom's limo.

"are you sure this is the right choice, shishou?" shigeo finally spoke after a minute or two of silence.

"i told you, mob. you stupid imbecile. you absolute buffoon. idiot child, dumb, foolish, ignorant, cretin, mindless, moron, simpleton, absolute brainless baby boy." reigen hissed, flailing his hands wildly. "do you know how much money we can make when i marry jorge big money big ballin super rich boy rodriguez? simple. millions, mob. MILLIONS."

shigeo remained silent as they approached the hotel entrance. he opened the limo door for reigen before closing the door behind the putrid man. the boy joined the limo driver and sat in the passenger seat, a hopeful attempt to space himself as far as possible from the pungent aroma of a man who masks 2 weeks of no showering with the fruitful scent of axe spray.

REIGENS EYES WIDENED oops caps lock was on. as the limo rolled up to the curb. he gazed upwards to the intricate carving of the ivory white chapel, to the gold accents of the regal building. the conman kicked the limo door open, denting the black surface on the concrete. he was ecstatic.

he was quickly rushed off by the wedding planner and her GOONS to the back room of the chapel. 

"jorge is at the podium right now. youre 15 minutes late." 


reigens lip quivered in a pout, pearlescent tears beading at the corners of his eyes

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reigens lip quivered in a pout, pearlescent tears beading at the corners of his eyes. he punched the stupid woman in her dumb ugly face and gay walked to the arch. 

dimple held reigens arm as he strutted down the aisle to his one true love. jorge rodriguez. his common brown eyes glistened in the light. his black hair was amazingly average in a way that reigen noticed. so beutiful.

he stood before jorge at the podium, the two of them turning to the priest. it was ocean.

ocean coughed loudly, spitting all over their faces. "ughh mgu hgoggohooooo"

"Reigen arataka. Ever since the first day

 I saw you

 I knew you were meant to be mine i love

 Everything about you, and I would love to spend the rest of my life

With you. Haha.


 jorge said sweetly, brushing his thumb over reigens cheek as he bit his lip. reigen returned his gesture with disgust, before glancing at the crowd of jorges friends and family. remember why youre doing this, he thought to himself. images of money and dimples fat fucking ass flashed through his mind. reigen drew in a sharp breath before looking back at jorge.

"jorge. you are. so hote."

ocean slammed the bible shut, standing up and opening up their palms to reigen and jorge. "jorge rodriguez. do you take this man... reigen arataka as your husband?"

"i do." 

"and reigen arataka. do you take this man, jorge rodriguez to be your husband?"

"WAIT!" a voice called from the aisle

slamming the door open was a mysterious man

"stop the wedding! reigen arataka. i love you!"

the crowd gasped as the figure made their way down towards the podium. they pushed jorge aside. he drew his hood back, revealing his face.

reigen gasped, struggling to find his words


"marry me instead, reigen" dimple was like really hot like wow fat ghost butt

"ok.. i will!>" reigen hugged dimple. jorge sobbed loudly, clutching at dimples pant leg. he begged him not to reigen, but it was too late.

reigen and dimple wer e now married. reigen forgot all about jorges money, but its ok. he know had this hunka hunka green mmmmmm dimpel :drooling:

happy ever after

the perfect wedding dayWhere stories live. Discover now