Chapter Five:

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I enter my house and immediately call Toby. I had to get more intel on George and what he knew so far about Stephanie.

"Hello." Toby answers from the other line.

"Hey, I need you to do me a favor."

"What kind of favor?"

"I need you to keep an eye out for George Ashton, I think he might be sticking his nose where it doesn't belong and I need you to make sure he stays in line."

"Okay, what do I do if he gets out of line?"

"Then you bring him to me and let me deal with him, got it?"


"Okay, I'll send you his address." I say just before I hang up the phone.

And I know that George hasn't really figured anything out yet but I feel like he would be the type of person that would. He's at the top of my list of people to get rid of.

The list goes:

George: because he had an affair with Stephanie and stabbed me in the back

Riley: because I'm going to use her as a decoy to get all of the evidence that would prove me guilty and then since she'll know to much I'll have Toby kill her

Lily: because she's too curious and will most likely figure out who the killer is and then tell Kamrin

Toby: because I honestly don't need him and he'll probably try and double cross me since we both don't really get along

Marcus: because I knew Kamrin had feelings for him and I don't know if she still does so, I should get rid of him so he can't take her away from me

My phone buzzes on my nightstand and I see it's a text from Toby.

'I'm a block from George's house. What do you want me now?'

I pick up my phone and reply to his text.

'Just make sure he doesn't go anywhere or talk with anyone.'


This whole murder plan would go a lot smoother if I had just everything but it's gonna be hard to throw Toby under the bus if he didn't really kill anyone.

I text Kamrin since she hasn't talked to me since the fight at the stadium.

'Hey, are we still good?'

And boom.

I'm left on read.

And yes I know that I wasn't exactly the kindest to her at the stadium but, it really wasn't any of her business and it wasn't necessarily my fault that Lily got so upset after I got mad at her. She shouldn't have been so damn nosy.

To be honest, this whole mess could have been avoided if George wasn't a fucking man whore and kept it in his pants and if I had never met Stephanie in the first place. I would just be with Kamrin and not have to worry about anyone else getting in the way of our relationship.

I get another text from Toby.

'Kamrin and Lily are out side of George's house.'


Why are they there? They're probably asking him about Stephanie and what was going on between them.

'Keep an eye on them and once they leave go to George before he can go into his house.'

'Okay, what do you want me to do after that?'

'Did you remember to pack the things in your trunk that I told you to bring?'

'Yeah, why?'

'Cause, your gonna need to use them and make sure nobody sees you.'

Who Killed Stephanie Martin: Ronnie's Story (#3 The Who Killed Series) Where stories live. Discover now