i'm starting to see who you are

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Private Messages

angel face 👼

pretty ricky
Yes, love?

angel face👼
i am going to ask you a question,
and i want you to give me your complete
honestly in return

pretty ricky
Am I in trouble?

angel face 👼
now do you understand?

pretty ricky
I do

angel face👼
did you write don't let me go
and half the world away about
it's okay if you say no

pretty ricky
I did

angel face👼
harry why didn't you tell me
you were feeling this way?

pretty ricky
It was no big deal Y/N
was just being overdramatic

angel face 👼
"And I started drinking
I don't know half of what I'm thinking
I'm deep in, I'm scared I'll stop breathing
We've started to lose who we are"
harry that's not being overdramatic!
that's you losing yourself in drinking

pretty ricky
Y/N I don't want to talk about
this right now

angel face👼
when did you write this song?

pretty ricky

angel face 👼
when did you feel i was too far away
to help you that you titled the song
"half the world away"?

pretty ricky
It was two months after
we had broken up. I was already
seeing Audrey, I felt so guilty. I
knew I didn't love her or even like
her that much but I needed something
to distract me. You were in Italy at the
time, I think to see Lily in fashion week
or something. All I wanted to do was
talk to you, but in all the pap pictures
taken of you, you looked so happy. I
didn't want to take away your happiness
by coming around when it wasn't urgent.

angel face 👼
but it was urgent harry
what did you mean when you said
"i'm starting to see who you are"

pretty ricky
I didn't know what I had until
I lost it.

angel face 👼
i would've been there for you
i could've helped you

pretty ricky
I didn't want to drag you down
with me

angel face👼
you think i would've cared?
i may have not been your girlfriend
at the time but like you said that doesn't
make us nothing
i was still your friend

pretty ricky
Aren't you my friend now?

angel face 👼
i'd like to think we're more but alright

pretty ricky
No! Of course we're more I just
don't exactly know what to call
this. Like are we just dating but not
putting a label on it or are we exclusive
and not putting a label on it?

angel face 👼

pretty ricky
That's no help!

angel face 👼

pretty ricky
You're gonna kill me one
day, love

angel face 👼
you know you love it ;)

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