Chapter 6

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I stare at the paper in shock.
"Let me see!!" Taylor screams and grabs the piece of paper.
"Taylor... Do you know what this means?!?" I scream, "I knew something was going on because he kept staring at me!"
I texted my mom telling her that we 'haven't met them yet'.

Me: Hey mom, we are still waiting in line. The line is very long so we might be here for awhile!

Mom: That's okay sweety! I'll find some other shops I can go to :) love you!

I know it was wrong to lie to my mom, but I need to call Grayson.
When the meetup was over, I saw Grayson and Ethan leave the lobby to get to their hotel room. As soon as they leave I pull out my phone and call the number Grayson left.
It rings about two times and then somebody picks up.
"Hello?" I hear from the other end, and it definitely sounds like him.
"Grayson?" I ask.
"Oh hey. You got my number huh? How did ya get it?" You could hear the sarcasm in his voice.
"Why did you leave your number?" I asked, "I mean, there is nothing wrong with it, it's just I'm confused haha."
Taylor looks at me and I lipread from her mouth 'What is he saying?' I ignore her and try to listen to Grayson.
"I want you and your friend to come to our hotel room, room 316 on the third floor. We have to talk." Grayson says.
"I-is-is everything okay?" I ask, confused.
"Yeah, it is just you made an impact on me." He says.
"Oh well we will be right up." I say, and hang up.
"What did he say? What is going on?" Taylor asks.
"Grayson wants us to go up to his hotel room... Come on lets go!"

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