chapter 4 (getting out?)

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Narrator pov-

"What ... how!" Don yelled

"Oh it is because we return to how we originally look like and age too. We are actually older than you guys" fang said

"That means you guys are not from any of the farms right.." ray said

"Yes that is correct" Yaya said

"Wait I think the clothes we are wearing is too small we need to got changed and come back" Gopal said as the group goes to the closest and changed.

In the closet-

( They finish changing and now they are just talking)

"Boboiboy I heard a few days ago that they all have a tracker on their right ear form the kids" ying said

"Oh is that so we can't remove the tracker that easy there must be a good why if we can get these kids out" boboiboy said

"I mean they can just rip their ears off....ow!?" Gopal yelled as ying hit him in the head

"Are you crazy no way are we letting a bunch of kids rip their ears off!" Ying yelled

" Boboiboy can you turn in to solar and think about it please" Yaya said

"Yeah I think I need to" boboiboy said

Than boboiboy yelled softly
"Boboiboy solar!"

He turns to solar and they all went out.

"Hey that was not the clothes we saw you wear when we first meet you in the forest when you were unconscious" Emma said

"Yeah you were wear a black shirt and orange vest" Norman said

Boboiboy and his friend looks around like they were looking for something and said
"You must be imaging it "

"Really?" Ray said looking at boboiboy

Boboiboy just smiled. Ray and the 2 others were worried but that went away went they started to talk about the tracker.

"How do you guys know about the tracker!?" Emma yelled

"Ying heard you guys talking about it" Yaya said

"Oh.." the trio said as they look at one another

"You know if you guys want to hide something don't do it in the bedroom" ying said

"Yeah we need to talk about a better spot to talk.... But anyways what did Yaya see when you know flew up over the wall" Norman said

"Oh yeah I saw ravine" Yaya said

"Than how is everyone going to get over we can't ask Yaya to bring us all over" Emma said

"We can make a rope and use clothing hangers to get to the other side" solar said

"Good idea boboiboy" Emma said

Solar smile at Emma a super bright smile that his friends pulled out their handy sunglasses an the kids cover their eyes. After that they got the things they need to make Rope and got clothing hangers. After that solar told them that they need a way to get the trackers off.

"Well we can always pull our ears off" ray said

Solar looked at ray than at Gopal.

"You guys have the same idea. Well they are not bad but not good at the same time" solar said

After a while of debating if they should rip off their ears or not. They all have decided to rip off their ears.

Solar being the smart as he is help with the process with numbing the ear than cutting a pice of the ear that has the tracker in it off than puting the bandage on their ears. He told the little kids that they will be fine and told them that they will come for them after 2 years and started to prepare for the leave of greed field. They let go of mama that was still unconscious. And set things up.

End of chapter 4

This chapter is so short I can't believe I spent 8 hours thinking about it.

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