1. Fith mission

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It's been my fifth scouting mission now. It's hard getting used to it. Sometimes I question myself for choosing the scouts instead of the Garrison but! I'm here to kill the armored Titan! Back in Shiganshina he took everything away. Even my own parents died that day. Crushed by a rock to save my life.

As our mission continued, more Titans appeared. Would we be able to defeat them all? Even if Eren was here to help us out...How many of my comrades will die this time?

Suddenly we saw green smoke in the sky. They are changing course? "Y/N!" "Got it!" I shot another green light and we changed the course.

While riding next to a ruin, we didn't see the Titan behind it until it grabbed after one of my partners!
"Argh!" He screamed! "No! I don't wanna die! Help me!"
Me, ready to shoot another sign that we encountered a Titan, my other partner started with attacking the 6-meter Titan. Shortly I helped him.
We were able to slice his left foot off. Because of this, the Titan released my partner. He saved him from the fall and hid.

Now it was on me taking the Titan on. It would be easier if I cut all his limbs off and then attack his spot on the neck.
I concentrated my next attack on his right arm. "Shit!" I didn't cut it deep enough! I swung on top of the ruin to get enough speed for my next attack. This time I was able to cut his arm off but...
The Titan grabbed me with his left hand. No good! One of my partners is still wounded and the other one fled with him. I was alone. I can't die! I need to revenge my parents!
I struggled, tried to cut his finger off to keep that Titan from eating me, but I came closer to his mouth.

The next moment I was covered in hot blood! The Titan released me and I was falling down but suddenly I was embraced in strong and warm arms.
"Co...Commander Erwin?", I was shocked to see the tall, blond man here. I really admired him. Ever since he took over the Survey Corps, we gained so much information about the Titans.
He let me down in the shadow of the ruin.
"Are you alright Cadet?", Erwin asked while looking at me up and down.
I nodded. "Thanks to you, Commander Erwin." I didn't want to shiver. Sadly I couldn't stop it. I still felt the grasp of that disgusting Titan on my body. I thought I was a goner but now I'm safe. I tried to suppress my tears and sobs but it was so hard because the warm and big hand of my commander let me feel safe. It's been so long since I felt like this.

Erwin POV:
After encountering a problem in our route, I changed the path we will take.
Shortly after I saw the green smoke the yellow smoke appeared in the sky. "A Titan is near." I hope they will survive. Which groups are taking him on? Five minutes after the smoke one of our soldiers appeared with a wounded comrade.

"What happend? Shouldn't you be three?", I asked with a frown. Got the third cadet eaten? Did we lose another life?
The soldier spoke up: "Y/N is fighting the 6-meter Titan on her own. She bought us time so we could flee."
So this gutsy Cadet was fighting alone? Was she that strong or just reckless?
"I'm riding to her." After saying this I parted with my group.
Are they still fighting where the smoke was coming from?

"Kyaaa!" Besides the sound from the hoof of my horse, I heard a scream. So the Cadet was still alive?
"Cadet!" I screamed.

There was a young woman struggling, trying to escape the grasp of the Titan. With my gear I swung behind the Titans neck and cut his sensitive spot out. The Titan released his grasp and that young woman was falling to the ground. She wouldn't survive this fall. Before she hit the ground, I came to her rescue and embraced her.

I let her down next to the ruin and asked: "Are you alright, Cadet?" She nodded but shivered so heavily. I bet it was a scary situation for such a young person. I patted her head: "You did a great job. Your comrades made it safely to another group, so he can be treated."Tears rolled down her cheeks while she tried to suppress her sobs.
"You will regroup with mine for the rest of the mission. It's too dangerous being alone." I looked around. "Where is your horse?" She shook her head. So it's probably gone.
"Then you can ride with me. We have a spare horse with my group you could use."

1 POV:
The commander let me ride on his horse? I wasn't sure if I was embarrassed or really honored. His white horse was so beautiful and strong. As I wanted to get up, I realized two things: First the horse was way taller than mine, so I had a really hard time to get my grip on the saddle and my foot in the step. Secondly, my body, especially my left arm, hurts because of the fight with the Titan. While struggling to get on the horse, I was suddenly lifted up.
"Iiik!" That was so surprising I squeaked.
"I'm sorry. I should have warned you. I'm also sorry for suddenly lifting you up. I thought you had problems getting on my horse. Even more because you are hurt."
I shook my head. "You don't have to apologise, Commander. It's rather me, who has to, because I'm such an inconvenience to you."
He got on his horse right behind me. "You aren't a inconvenience to me." He said while taking the reins. To not fall down the horse I hold on to the saddle with my left hand. I tried to move my right arm to get a grasp of my injury. I sighed, because I still could move all my fingers. So it wasn't broken. Hopefully I only got bruises from the Titan.

"If you are tired, you could lean on me till we have reached my group. You will need all the energy you can get to continue. After the mission, I'm sure that you can take some days off." "Eh? Ah! Thank you Commander." I really needed some rest, so I leaned back and rested on his broad and wide chest and closed my eyes. I really hoped nothing would happen for the rest of the mission.

We regrouped with commander Erwins unit. I got my own horse. Thankfully it wasn't as tall as commander Erwins beautiful white horse so I could get up on my own.

A few hours later we ended the mission. I met my unit in the hospital room. We hugged each other. I'm really glad that they survived.

Authors note: Tbh. I really didn't know how I should end this chapter? My only idea was that I wanted a scene where Erwin was saving me after playing A.O.T. 2.>///< 700 words later I had the first half of my first chapter.xD I hope someone enjoyed it as much as I did.>//< Till next chapter!\(^.^)/

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