6. Taking refuge

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Actually the next few days were like hell. I tiptoed around Reiner. Trying to hide from my admirer. For example eating at different times so I wouldn't meet him, hiding before he could see me walking on the floor, which wasn't really successful. He also got rougher with Jean and Conni. Everyone felt some changes but neither did I speak up or searched for help, in fear they would be hurt again.


It was a hard and long training day. As I was walking down the floor I suddenly heard Reiner. Oh God! Please not him! I really didn't want to see him. I stopped in my tracks and listened. Shit! He was coming my way!!! I had to hide!

While looking around there were only three options.
Option one: Running through the floor but he will surely see me.
Option two: Jumping out of the window. It wasn't a bad idea but there would be a small possibility that I would hurt myself.
And the last option: Hiding in commander Erwins office. Hiding in his room was definitely the safest and best call.

While I was thinking how I could run away, the young man came closer and closer. Shit! There was no time for formalities. I hastily opened the door, got in, closed it and listened to Reiners and Bertholds voices coming closer.

Suddenly the footsteps stopped right before the door and I heard a knocking. My body tensed up and I was looking for a hiding spot.
Why the hell did he need to come to Erwins office right now?
Thinking of commander Erwin! He curiously looked at me. Why did I forget to greet him?

"Tell your name and business!" he ordered. I was about to open my mouth because I thought he would mean me. Before I said something commander Erwin waved his hand as a sign that I should come near him. Reiner stayed his business and his name.

The blond man whispered: "You should hide under my desk."
Before answering the Cadet, he made sure that I was hiding under his table. With his legs right next to me it was quite narrow. Thankfully I'm not that tall so it wasn't a big problem but still a bit narrow. I tried my best not to touch him but his legs came nearer and I started leaning on them. Gosh they are so big and comfortable.
"Come in!"
"I'm here to hand in these reports Sir!"
I heard the sound of paper rustling.
"Thank you Cadet. You can go now."

One minute after the door closed, commander Erwin got up and let me out.
"I think he is gone, Cadet." I crawled from under his table, stood up and saluted.
"Thank you Commander for hiding me! And I'm really sorry for barging in like that." My face was red because of my panic and his amazing legs!

"Would you like to sit down, drink something and tell me what happend Y/N?"
He seemed worried.
Gosh! This man was way too nice to me! I knew hiding in his office would be a safer call than jumping out the window. Thanks to his misunderstanding with Jean I knew that I could count on him.

I sat down on his sofa and he gave me a glass of water. He sat right next to me. I took a sip and started to explain. Where should I actually start?
"It's like that...I didn't want to hide here from Reiner but it was the safest option I could think of." I smiled slightly at him.

He chuckled. "I'm glad that you trust me Y/N. But why were you hiding from him? Did he do something to you?"
His earnest face made my heart skip a beat.
"Yes...Ah! No!" I quickly changed my answer when I saw his frown. Would he hurt Reiner and punish him like he did with Jean.
"What is it? You don't have to protect Cadet Braun."
"It's just...well..." I took another sip to sort my thoughts. While looking at my glass I explained the situation:
"It's like that. Reiner confessed his love and I'm not sure if I want something from him or not. So I asked him to give me time to think over it. But he is quite pushy. Every time Reiner sees me he is calling out to me, pushing Jean or Connie away, if they sit next to me in the dining room or ..."
I took a deep breath.
"A few days ago I tried to turn him down but he didn't let me. It got quite intense so I got scared of rejecting him?" I tried to laugh at the commander but his frown got even deeper.

He placed his big warm hand on my head and started patting me. My face turned red. Now it's the third time he did that. And I really liked it. Just being next to this man always makes me feel safe.
"If you want you can eat with me and the others. He wouldn't dare push me or one of the other captains away. I bet Mike wouldn't mind either. And if you are scared of rejecting him you could ask your friends if they will help you. If it doesn't work I also could help out."

I involuntarily started to cry. How can he be so nice to a random cadet like myself? I nodded. "Thank you Commander Erwin. I would gladly eat with you and the other captains if I'm not a nuisance."
"It's fine. You can stay for a while, till you calmed down." He handed me his handkerchief and moved back to his desk.

As I slowly calmed down I wondered how I could thank the commander. Looking at his desk full of paperwork I hesitantly asked: "Could...Could I help you with some paperwork, Sir?"
Erwin looked up and his usual stoic face seemed to be a bit surprised.
"I finished my duties this noon, and I would like to thank you for your help, Sir."
"You would be a big help."
He stood up, grabbed a pile behind his desk and put them on the table.
"If you would organize them in chronological order and after the types of Titans we captured. Hanji is just too messy with her documents."
I gulped because it was way more than I expected.
"Yes Sir!"
"Thank you Cadet."

Authors note: It's not that I hate Reiner but I needed someone to hide from. So I used a magic circle and he came out!xD I seriously like him!>.<
But it's also fun to include his twisted personality.
And sorry for spelling and Grammere mistakes. I haven't shown it to my proofreader.^^

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