C H A P T E R XV || Edited ✔️

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Bruce was exiting the Quin-Jet, happy to be home again. Area, Tony, Bucky, Natasha, and Peter all came to greet the scientist. Bruce was totally on sunshine-mood. Wouldn't everyone be if he they had the news he had?

"Nice to have you back, science bro!" Tony beamed at his friend as he gave him a short hug.

"Missed you too Tony. Mr. Barnes." He said as he shook Bucky's hand.

"Call me Bucky." The man in front of Banner said with a friendly smile. Things visibly changed. Bruce went to his room and unpacked his things, put everything in its place and went off to the lab with his notes.

When he arrived Area and Tony were talking about how they both just wanted to be normal while Peter was doing his homework, and Bucky and Natasha tried to make small talk. Key-Word: tried.

"Bucky, I think that I found a cure for the Winter Soldier program, but...you will have to get through the same procedure. I mean when they wiped you." Bruce finished. He was nervously fiddling with his glasses and waiting for Barnes' respond.

Bucky didn't want to sit in a stool again and get wiped or whatever they are gonna do to him. It would bring up too many memories. Bad ones. But this time he will get to remember everything. He will remember his mom and dad. Steve even told him recently that he had four sisters. He will remember how he did good. He will remember all those times he spent with Area. He will remember who her parents are. He can help her. He promised. And she almost fulfilled hers.

"O-Okay. When do we start?" He asked bravely. Natasha looked at him happy that he could remember her again. Maybe even have her happy ending.

Their Happy Ending.

Everyone wants a happy ending. But it doesn't always roll that way.

But she believed that this time fate will be on her side. She will definitely miss Area. But she knew she had a mother which waited for her.

I wish I would be her mommy., Natasha thought.

Area gripped Bucky's metal hand tightly. He looked at her fearfully and tensed up, but she gave him a reassuring smile. He looked at this arm. Didn't Tony mention that he made a new arm?

"Tony, do you still have that metal arm?" He asked.

"Why, yes Terminator." Tony replied.

"My name is still Bucky."


Steve was in the gym, punching a bag since he didn't really have someone to train with because of the super soldier serum. Bucky was searching for Steve. He needed someone to talk to, and the first one that came into his mind was Steven. He found him in the gym, punching a bag, though it looked like he needed more than just a punching bag to be the captain's equal.

"Hey Stevie, you got a minute?" Steve's head immediately turned around as soon as his old nickname left the brunette's mouth. Bucky thought that Steve didn't like to be called that, judging by the wide agape mouth and his baby blue eyes full of disbelief.

"I am sorry-" Buck started his apologize, but Steve cut him off with his chuckle filled with joy.

"No need to apologize...jerk."

"Punk." Both man started laughing. It died down and there was a long silence.

"You were falling, and I just stood there...watching. There was nothing I could do." Steve said his eyes now full of regret, he looked down because he was ashamed of himself. He let his best friend down. Everything that happened to James Buchanan Barnes was his fault.

Bucky sensed that Steve was blaming himself. He strode towards Steve and pulled him in a hug. Steve hugged back and inhaled shakily letting the tears fall.

Bucky, even if he lost his memories, never regretted the decision to fight alongside his brother.

A/N: Hello fellas!! My vaccation has begun!! Yay!!!! And this chapter is for the lovely @Agnese_trevisi__ . Thanks for the support!!

𝙁𝙊𝙐𝙉𝘿 𝙔𝙊𝙐 ▶ B. Barnes daughterWhere stories live. Discover now