Twenty Seven | Smiley face beads

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Chapter Twenty-seven


"Sunghoon?" Ni-Ki croaks, rubbing his elbow as he searched through the hospital, "This place all looks the same." Walking around the top floor, Ni-Ki was unsure where to go every floor was full to the brim with an abundance of unknown faces and different stands and workshops.

He lets his feet drag him to wherever he had suspected Sunghoon and Sunoo to be, yet all his efforts were in vain as he just ended up walking round in one big circle, "Ah," Bumping into someone, Ni-Ki stumbles back, rubbing his head through his squinted eyes, "Sorry..." he mutters out softly.

"It's okay," The boy helps Ni-Ki up and brushes himself off, "wait – you're Ni-Ki, right?" Jake brushes his fringe out of his eyes, smiling warmly at Ni-Ki.

"Yeah, I am – you're Jake?" He nods in response, "I'm kind of lost," Ni-Ki admits with a shy smile, shifting around on his feet.

"Same. I lost Sunoo, so I just decide to try something else." He chuckles wryly, Ni-Ki unsure how to respond.

"What did you want to try out instead of the bakery stand?" Jake shrugs his shoulders to which Ni-Ki just nods and smiles awkwardly, "Maybe the bracelet making stand – it's the least crowded place." He points out.

"Oh, I would've expected that to be packed." Ni-Ki purses his lips as he leans over to see the stand which truthfully wasn't as packed as the rest. Looking at his bare wrists, "D-do you want to make some bracelets?" he clears out the silence by being straight forward which worked like a charm.

"I was thinking the same thing," Jake gently nudges Ni-Ki's shoulder who follows behind him, rubbing the place where he had bumped him, a shy blush coating his cheeks. Ni-Ki takes a seat on one of the carpets, Jake taking a seat in front of him. The setting was quite adorable, the exterior decorated with random yet carefully placed large stickers and bold signs while the interior was stetted down with different carpets and a set of beads placed in the middle of each one; each set had different beads and styles.

"I want to use these smiley faces," Ni-Ki picks up a single yellow bead decorated with two black eyes and a smile, threading it into the string. Jake smiles warmly when he shows the bead to him, picking up a clear bead and threading it through, "My one's going to look so cute,"

"Not as cute as mine," Jake jokes, taking a handful of beads and setting them out in front of him and carefully setting them on his bracelet.

"Oh you wish," Ni-Ki scrunches his noes and threads two more charms on his string, "who are you making your for?" He asks peering over.

"Hey – don't copy my idea," Jake chortles when he draws his bracelet closer to his body, Ni-Ki grinning coyly when he sits back into his seat, "and I don't know yet – the bracelet has to be as cute as the person I'm giving it to." Ni-Ki nods at Jakes criteria, picking off another bead from the stand.

"Now I realise why a lot of people aren't here," Ni-Ki squints slightly when he shakes his open thread into places, being extra cautious as not to destroy his progress,  "It take forever to make a bracelet." The two were too invested in finishing their jewellery to laugh at Ni-Ki's remark, "Why won't this fit?" shoving a bead into the string, Ni-Ki dropped the bead and let out a wry sigh.

Picking up the rolling bead, Jake scoots closer to and pushes the set of beads to the side. "Here, give it to me," Jake smiles tenderly which makes Ni-Ki return a nervous smile, handing him his unfinished bracelet. He watches with wide eyes when Jake manages to thread the bead through the string, "See. It was easy." He places the bead carefully into Ni-Ki's hands, their eyes meeting for a quick second before the tension become too strong.

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