Love yourself!!

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Are you going through a time in your life where everything just seems to fall apart?? Are you thinking about losing hope?!
If this is true, it's very important for you to encourage yourself to keep up, and to realise that everything will fall into place!!

Try writing a letter to yourself, confirming that you ARE important!! Write this letter to help yourself!! To feel better about yourself!!

Here's the letter I wrote to myself, as an example :

Dear future me,
If you are feeling down, cheer up! You are great just as you are, and don't change if others want you to. You are a great human being, a wonderful daughter, and a respectful student! Concentrate on your passion, and follow your heart. You are very important, and don't let others tell you that you are not. Be who you are. LOVE YOURSELF! Dream, and follow your dreams!
Remember, you have a special talent, as does everyone else around you. Love life!! Be thankful for all that you have. Be kind to others. Help those who need it, and take help from those who offer. Don't worry if you make mistakes - everyone does - but learn from them! Improve yourself everyday, for there is always room for improvement! Grab all the opportunities that come your way. Help make yourself better, each and every day!
Stay happy, as then only will you be able to spread happiness. Believe in yourself! Don't comment on other people, and look at other people's strengths, not weaknesses! Say positive things. Don't think of things that distract you, and try to stay focused always! Even so, don't over-work yourself. Remember to take a break whenever you need it, as then you will be able to work better! Enjoy your life, it's beautiful! Be thankful to your parents for everything they have done for you, and for all the times they have stood by your side when everyone else left you alone. Lastly, be thankful to God, for giving you wonderful parents, great friends, and amazing teachers!
Stay creative, stay beautiful!
Love : You!

I hope this exercise will help you realise that YOU are beautiful!! You make a difference in the world, every day!! Someone may not recognise you for who you are, but don't to listen to other people!! Listen to YOURSELF!! Listen to YOUR heart!!

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