under ground (2)

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AHHHHH YOU ONLY GET TO SCREAM BURN AND EAGEN AND SCREAMING IN YOUR EARS and!.... Getting rape god made hell only for a reason he know and he's real name yes you in English is johaus he only made hell it's because he knew that some of us would betray him of guilty but some believe him! Millions are going to heaven but BILLIONS are going to hell from hearing a rumor that is spreading the gospel does not help you go to heaven it's just rumors! FAKE! Ren says you only spread it because you love Jesus Christ and god! Because he died across you were tired too but he was tired he is always with no matter what happens to tell the truth he is facing it too. And hell is no joke or party God is always and you should have know the commandments of God says that is bad unforgivable sins are unforgivable the future is future you can change it! So sucide sucide is not a sin it's a unforgiving one Jesus says why will you break you body that he made you it's so pretty! Why would you he loves you before doing anything bad think what are you doing is it bad or good? Those are all commandments  I say that made you go to hell even! Killers! ,murdered, crime yes they can go to heaven if you just believe and him so he can forgive you will what from you did if you think that lgtb+ is a sin your wrong its not if you gay and believes in God he will change you life slowly from not being gay and if your a lesbian using the rainbow that God made your wrong do not do that the rainbow is that God will never flood the city and lesbains are not God! They just girls! Dating another!
But if you do not hold the rainbow your good at least
But if your gay and don't believe in Jesus or god sorry but your life is not changing because even know that being gay is a sin maybe people hate it but god slowly chagr you if you just believe in him if your bisexual well congrats your good to! It's just you bi dating girls or boys you don't mind any genders now end of the chapter read more for next cheaper 20 likes is 500 words in chapters

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