chapter ten: willowshine

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When I had woken up all i could think about was goldeneye. But I had to push away the thought in my head because i knew what was coming my way. I was doomed when my mom finds out I used my powers last night and I knew she was going to at some point.

When I had gotten dressed in black skinnys and a white tank top with a leather jacket and my black convers I walked down stairs to the dining hall to get something to eat when I walked in, my family was at the very large and very long table. There was my sister I only see every few years. Her name was willowshine she blackish brown hair she was about "5,3" and she has the most prettiest eyes ever. She is also the oldest of my siblings. She had on a red dress that made her perfect in every way possible.

She looked at me with her eyes filled with consern. "I need to talk to you right now."is all she said when she walked off from the table and out of the castle. She walked all the way to the deep woods.

Then she turn at me with her emerald eyes and said "you finally used your powers haven't you?"

I scoffed at the question because I knew she was going to find out about goldeneye and how I showed a warewolf boy what royle vampires really can do .

"Yes." was all I can muster up out off the pit of darkness inside of me. Then she unleashed her true power when her eyes started to turn a dark gold color and she smirked and said "then let what you got."As she summoned her bracers out of her tattoos on her wrist.

I was kinda still weak from last night then I felt a pair of eyes from the trees and I though it was my mother so I did the same. Let loose of my power and summoned my own weapon, my staff out of my neckless that I wore on my neck since I was a kid and took off my leather jacket.

As soon my jacket hit the ground Willowshine came at me full force with her bracers and let the hidden blades out  so she cut me with them. I dodged her attack  and  did a attack of my own. I  Had jumped at her as she passed by and slammed on her back hard with my staff and I heard a ear splitting crack.I flinched when I heard it.

I knew that had to hurt because she screamed in pain afterwards.

I hated to do this but she started it in the first place. Then before I knew it she was on top of me and she had stabbed me in the shoulder and the pain was so unbearable that I screamed on top of my lungs. I new she laced in with something because the pain would be gone by know and i was still in the worst pain I have ever experienced in my life.

I soon saw that she put her bracers away and come up to me and said "that's what's you get when you disobey mother's orders. she told me to lace my blades with sunwater so that it would burn for a long time before it stops." She grinned and walked back to the castle. I soon fell into the darkness still clutching my shoulder.


I woke up in my bed covered in blanket and my shoulder had a dressing on it and that's remembered what happend the other day. "That's what you get for disobeying  mother's orders....." is all I could think of when I heard a shuffle from my door like someone was there thinking of coming in my room. I knew that I looked like Crap.I was caked with mud and blood and my hair probably looked a bird decided to make its home in it. So I picked a a black shirt and a pair of soft gray skinny and headed for the shower.

When I had finished getting a shower  I wrapped myself with a soft towel and was drying my hair off when I heard a light knock at my door. I quickly put on my clothes and put my blond and red hair in a ponytail and walked out of my bathroom and opened my door to see the last person I wanted to see at the moment. willowshine.

She looked she just got hit by a train and left to die. She had changed into a pair of  gray sweats and very big t-shirt and her hair looked like someone electrocuted it. it was bad. Her face was puffy from crying. She walked up to me and hugged me and sobbed in my shoulder I hugged her back and I knew that she did not mean a single thing when she stabbed me the other day she just was following mother's order. I hate that woman with a passion that will never fade. She was going to pay for hurting me and my sister. She is going get what she dicerved. I  vowed till this day on that I was going to make her life hell  like has made mine and my sister's.


Hey guys I'm so sorry I'm taking forever to post my chapters
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fangs and fur (a vampire and warewolf romance) 9(rewriting )Where stories live. Discover now