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( the pic on top has nothing to do with this, and credits to the artist of this amazing drawing) 

3rd Pov-

Deku was walking down the street, so far it was nice, quiet, and calm just the way he like it. He got to his apartment and saw a paper and his door, he look at it ad notice it was an eviction notice, he got preety mad considering he just payed the pill. Izuku walked down the stairs into the office anger, 

" what the hell is this?!" he yelled at the man standing behind the counter 

"what do you think kid "
" I payed the bill yesterday!"
"... look kid, the manager-" the man was cut off the izuku yelling back at him and it wasnt something expected

" LOOK, TELL THE 'MaNAgER' THAT IM NOT FUCKING SLEEPING WITH HIM!. I dont fucking care if i have to live on the streets. but there is no way in hell i would be sleeping with that old fucker" 

The man was surprised that the manager would even try and sleep with a minor. Izuku stormed out and into his room slamming the door not caring about the other people that live next to him.

- time skip to 6 am- 

Izuku woke up to a call from his friend Denki 

"Zuzu!!!, glad you picked up!. Anyways I was wondering if you wanted to go my friends party?"
"Denki- san....its 6 in the morning,. but sure what day and what time?"
" its today, it starts at 7 pm but people come at 8 pm"
".........Today!?..... sure i guess " 
" nice we get to meet your friend!" and unfamiliar voice  yelled 
"who the hell is that??.." izuku asked tiredly as he sat up almost falling off his bed
" .... SHUT UP SHITTY HARI!!!. Sorry Zuzu ill call you later, bye!"

AT this point Deku was confused first he get a call ask for him to go to a party and then two random voices were heard in the background, let alone him being really tired he didnt have the energy to deal with peoples bull crap today. 

Deku was walking down the street when he was done dealing with the manager, but lord for bid he cant walk with out being cat called 

" hey pretty boy~!"
"Shut the fuck up and leave me alone" Izuku snarled 
"ohhh~ sn- OH YOU BITCH!!"

they guy yelled as deku kicked him in the balls and pushing him down the stairs he was walking down, he turned around and started walking again

- time skip to his school- 

 Deku was sitting on a bench that he normally sat at, his head snapped up when he heard someone yelling his name,..... and as he thought it was Denki getting out of this really expensive looking car

"heyo Denki" Deku said with a tired smile 
"did you get ANY sleep?"
"a little"
"Deku after the party tonight your going to stay that night, just so i know your doing ok ever since your dad and mom death"
"uhhhggggg, Denki im fine"
"mhmmmmm sure. come on let go to class-, OH!, Bye Baby!" denki yelled to the car as it drove off

"baby?" deku asked

"yea!, the sugar daddy app, I have one and only one, you should try it "

"no , no, no, there is creepy men on that app!"
"how would you know?, have you been on the app?"
"ok then, how about you try it for a week and see what happen?"
Denki gave a sad look at deku, and saw his phone hanging out of his pocket, and took this chance, he grabbed it and ran off

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