Darwin x Innocent Reader

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Episode occured: The DVD

Y/n: Your name
Y/c Your color(Then Hair)
L/n Last Name

(You are a 12 year old girl named y/n and you are your favorite animal)

We moved to a place called Elmore.
It was bustling with people, tall and short, big and small, and lastly, popular and unpopular.
We pulled up to the house as a purple deer came out,
"Oh hello! My name is Gary Hedges! Nice to give you this house-I mean meet you!
Now have a good time with the neighbours
(Whispers) I'm glad I won't have to be here.
I mean! Have a good time!" He hops in his car and drives off.

Weird, the neighbours can't be too bad,
can they?
"Y/n, sweetie, you can explore the neighbourhood while your dad and I unpack." Mom says.
"Ok, thanks mom!" I say waving and walking away.
I start walking down the brisk street, sunlight shining, the wind waving the trees gently, it didn't seem like a bad neighbourhood..
(Time Skip)

"Honey! We're going to the mall to shop for furniture! Want to come?!" Mom shouts up to me.
"Sure!" I shout back. I get on a sweater, and put on a pink plaid skirt over it with suspenders, white sneakers, and let down my y/c hair.
I packed down the stairs closing the door, and hopping in the back of the car.
(Time Skip)
"Ok Y/n Honey, me and your father are going to go shopping for appliances, feel free to explore, just don't leave without our supervision!" My mom reminds me.
"K' mom!" I say.
I walk around for a bit and look at a store called, 'Ripley 2000'.
"Hmm, this seems like a cool store!" I say to myself out loud.

I walk inside and see a orange fish, blue cat, and a tall blue cat at the counter.
"What? You made me leave work and chase you through the neighbourhood on a dog for twenty-five dollars?" The tall blue cat asks.

"But... We were scared to tell you." The blue boy cat says with his head down..
The tall blue cat, looks at her kids,
"Oh, silly... There's nothing you can do that will ever stop me loving you. Come here."
She hugs her sons.
"Now, let me pay for that."
"See, Darwin, you should always tell the truth and face the consequences of your actions." The young blue cat says to the orange fish who seems to be named Darwin.
Darwin punches him in the arm.
"Ow!" The blue cat says.
"Come on. Let's go home you little troublemakers." The mom says.
"Uh, just a minute. There's also the lateness fee." The man at the desk says.
"Oh, yes, of course. How much is it please?" The mom asks.

"Let me see." The man then starts calculating, "Three months and three days late. That will be seven-hundred dollars."
The women's eyes widen in suprise, she then laughs.
"You see, boys, sometimes in life, you really have to face the consequences of your actions. And sometimes you just..."
She grabs the blue boys hand,
"Hey, hey, HEY!" The man puts a hand on the counter chasing after the family.
As they run out I'm shocked, when I see Darwin run past me..
I think I know who I'm going to be friends with.

Part 2 will be out soon.

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