
17 1 0

11: live with my best friend
12: get a tattoo

13: visit a volcano

14: fly in a hot air ballon

15: go hang gliding

16: find my biggest fear

17: walk up to a group of people and say "I'm not wearing pants" and see how many people look

18: glue a quarter to the sidewalk and watch people attempt to pick it up

19: walk on the Great Wall of China

20: dress up as a giant m&m and run trough a busy street and scream "the skittles... their coming!" While your friends are dressed up a skittles running after you

21: invent a word and use it in every conversation

22: tie a rock to a string and walk it, every once in a while say "come on spot this way!"

23: tell your taco your life story

24: ask people if they can see the man sitting next to you even if there's no one there

25: ask a random person "why are you normal I mean I'm not and I turned out fine?" Then start laughing uncontrollably

26: say "hi" to EVERYONE all day

27: walk around with your arms wide open and say "free hugs" and see how many people hug you

28: dye my hair different colors for a year

29: wear a shirt that says life and hand out lemons

30: go paint balling

31: start a food fight

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