Trapped :'(

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Jaylee and I were at ttempo at 10:00 and we were playing around and then this happend this was a long time too

Ansel:nooooooo we r trapped again this time woth u


Tommy: :( sorry we r closed for the day
we hope you visit us again in the near future! come back!

ansel: oh FIRETRUCK we need to stay here the whole night I guess

(): they set up a tent where gracie is and went to bed...

Tommy: ok timmy come ive got a plan! we merder them

timmy: FIRETRUCK yeah!

timmy/tommy: *gets knives* hehehe

Jaylee/ansel: *snores and rolls off the stairs and wake up*Whoaaah


tommy:😳 👺Kill Them!

ansel: get ran over by a....... *wisperes*
say it!

Jaylee: say what oh Ffffffirrrreeeetttrrrrrrrrruuuccckkkkkk

():they got arrested and ansel/Jaylee went home and went to sleep

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