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I thought I would give you this introduction about myself from myself before the rest of my story is told. I was born to Odin and Frigga 9 centuries ago. I grew up with my two brothers Loki and Thor. Loki was really my best friend though, we were inseparable, I wanted to be just like him. I even made a little song about it when I was young. Loki and I sort of fell out of touch as we got older especially when the frost giants invaded. Thor and I were close but we were distanced. He was father's prized possession, I think the reason Loki and I had a stronger bond was because we were overlooked by father. Having a girl in the family serves you one purpose; for her to be the beautiful face of the kingdom. 

Moving on, I have two special daggers. They're my favorite weapon but they're also somewhat dear to me. They have a gold handle with green jewels encrusted in one and white jewels in the other.  The jewels are laced with the powers of my brothers. The green for Loki and the white for Thor. When I stab myself with them the magic flows from the jewels and into the blade. It doesn't hurt me in anyway since I am a Goddess of immortality but instead I temporarily get to use Loki or Thor's power. I guess its kind of neat. It only lasts an hour though and don't worry they can still use their powers. But when I use them to stab enemies they work like normal daggers but they are charged with the power of my rotted apples of immortality. So instead of granting immortality they cause instant death.

Oh, yeah, my apples. As the goddess of immorality, fertility and agriculture (The list goes on.) I can grow and conjure not only my apples but also other plants like vines, thorns, stuff like that.

I guess you could say I have a bit of a dark side. My usual golden hair and bright blue eyes are replaced by black hair and eyes of darkness. I call my other side Dabria, according to Hiemdall it's who I was destined to be he says the name means an Angel of Death, the doom of Asgard. I try not to worry too much about it but it does scare me sometimes. Dabria comes out when I'm full of vengeance or evil. She's a way of releasing my anger but sometimes I can't control her. I'm afraid that one day I won't be able to get rid of her, that I'll be Dabria forever.

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