A Visit to Midgard

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The Avengers were standing in position ready to fight when all of a sudden the bifrost opened in the middle of the street. Out came a beautiful young woman with golden hair. The Avengers all turned to look. "Thor Odinson!" she yelled speed walking towards Thor. "Duna-" Thor began. "Don't Duna me!" she said. "Who are these people?" "These are the Avengers; Clint, Natasha, Tony, Steve, and that thing is Bruce." "Katniss Everdeen, Carrot top, Tin can, Man of stars and green bean. Great to see you here with your little friends but we have a problem!" "Everyone, this is my sister Idun." "Hey." They all said at different times. "Thor what is going on? You leave Asgard to come back to this shithole they call Midgard, Loki stole the Tesseract and made a hole in the sky! And the Chitauri are here! You have one hour to bring Loki back and stop the Chitauri or there will be a cell waiting for you when I take you back home!" 

The tips of Idun's golden hair were turning dark. Thor noticed this immediately and began to calm her down. "Duna, Duna, we can't defeat the Chitauri on our own. We need your help. We need Duna's help. All right, help us and I promise Loki will be back on Asgard and the Chitauri will be gone." Idun let out a sigh and her hair went back to being fully golden. "All right, let me see if I can talk to Loki. Where is he?" The Avengers all pointed to the Stark Tower which was right underneath the giant hole in the sky. "Great." Idun said as she pulled her green jeweled dagger out with magic. She stabbed herself in the side and the Avengers panicked. She pulled the dagger out and used Loki's magic to get herself into her golden armor. "Right, mortals." She said as she conjured vines to swing away and up to the tower. 

She made it to the top and pulled out both her daggers. She found Loki on the very top next to Doctor Selvig. "Loki?" she said. Loki turned around, his eyes had dark circles around them his skin was all yellow and sickly. He looked exhausted. He looked at Idun shocked. He didn't know if she was real or not and Idun could tell. "Loki, it's me. It's me Duna. I'm here." Loki looked sad. Idun put her daggers away and stepped closer to Loki until they were close enough so she could cup the side of his face with her hand. "What have they done? Loki, who did this to you?" Loki remained silent. "Come on, Loki. Send the Chitauri back, let's go home." "Do you really think they'd want me back there?" Loki asked. "Mother would. Please come back for me. You can stop this." "No, it's already done. The Chitauri are coming." 

Idun walked down to the lower platform right above the word Stark. Loki followed her. "Idun, what are you doing?"Idun was standing on the edge, facing out toward the city. "Giving you a reason to stop this and come home." She turned back to Loki and fell off the building. "Idun!" Loki yelled. Idun closed her eyes. Her arms were extended on either side of her. She was about to hit the ground as someone caught her. She opened her eyes to she Steve's face. " Man of stars are you kidding me!? Must you always be a hero, I was trying to make a statement!" She looked up to see Loki on the edge looking down at her. "Actually...now that we have his attention..." She said as she turned her head towards Steve, cupping his face and kissing him. She pulled away from him and looked back up to see Loki storming off. "Worked like a charm." She said. 

Steve was still breath taken holding Idun. She jumped up and stood in front of Steve. "Thank you, man of stars." She said and she began to walk away. "It's Steve." He said. She paused and turned back to him. "Thank you, Steve." She smiled and walked off. She made her way back to Thor. "What happened with Loki?" he asked. "I couldn't guilt trip him so I made him mad instead." Idun said. "By doing what?" Thor asked. "Kissing Steve." You could see the anger on Thor's face as soon as she said this. Thor was swinging his hammer about to charge to Steve. 

"Thor, no! It was my doing you don't need to go and hurt Steve." "But, Idun—" "No buts. I'm nearly a thousand years old I can handle myself." She began. "Duna, you're 982. That's still almost 2 decades away." "Thor I'm not a child anymore. You need to stop seeing me that way. You and Loki. You're both so protective." "But, Duna–" Thor said looking to the side and as he did he noticed all the Avengers were watching. Idun looked at them. "Time to break up the family moment," she said conjuring her daggers. "We've got the Chitauri to deal with."  

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2022 ⏰

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