Chapter 2

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I open the door and hesitate, almost yelling "I'm home!" But I don't, remembering I live alone. My parents died almost 3 years ago, in the well-known "Spiral Abyss." Sprial Abyss is an annual battle that takes place in Musk Reef, in July. Competitors have to fight enemies that gradually get stronger as you pass the levels, known as"floors." My parents were competing together, to win the prize that was 35,000 mora, which is like, A LOT of money. They had reached floor 11, which was almost higher than the first place record, which was floor 11 level 2. Each floor has 3 levels, each having different enemies. There ended up being a glitch in the "electro energy release" and it shocked them both into unconsciousness. Sadly, after weeks in the hospital, both of them passed away, leaving me all alone. I remember resenting them for it, thinking stuff like "Why would they compete knowing they could literally die?" and "How could they be so stupid to not notice the energy release breaking?" I soon realized that it wasn't their fault, and that coping with anger probably wasn't the best coping mechanism. I vividly remember the call I got the day of the incident. One of the workers on the Spiral Abyss team, (the people who start the energy release, calculate points, etc) a raspy-voiced man had told me that my parents had been sent to the hospital and explained what happened. I remember being completely speechless for a minute, then yelling at the man on the phone. I had told him he should've been fired, and that he could've killed them. Little did I know, he practically did. I never had much of a good relationship with my parents anyway. My dad was always gone since he was an Adventurer with the Adventures Guild, a team of people who participate in missions defeating monsters. My mom was always a nervous wreck, with my dad always being gone and all. She would constantly yell at me for always being with Childe. She never liked Childe, because she knew that he worked with the Fauti, and she hated them, as almost everyone in Mondstat did. I suddenly realized that I had been lost in thought, standing outside of my front door for almost 5 minutes. I open the door, and someone quickly jumps in front of me. I jump back startled, before realizing that it's Keqing. Keqing is pretty much my best friend, aside from Childe. We've been friends since a few years before my parents died, and she and Childe have been there for me every step of the way. She sometimes comes to my house to make food for us, which is probably why she's here now. I step forward to hug her.


"WHAT?" she askes excitedly. Keqing loves drama.

"Fischl was all over Childe today."

"Ewwww." She says, fake gagging.

We both laugh. I explain my day to her as we catch up.

"Just tell him already. It's been what? 2 years?"

"Hell no. Plus I don't even think he likes me back."

Keqing sighs.

"Have you seen the way he looks at you? You need to just shoot your shot. I guarantee he likes you, and If he doesn't, he's your best friend! It's not like he'll drop you or anything." She says pushing me out the door.

Should I tell him? I really really want to but also like what if it just makes things awkward? Does he like me back? I doubt it. I guess I'll just see how training goes today and then I'll think about it.

Childe and y/n train.

"Here," Childe says, tossing me a bottle of water.

"Uh- um thanks." I stutter awkwardly.

Should I tell him now? What if it ruins our friendship? What if he likes me back? WHAT IF HE LIKES FISCHL?! What if he doesn't wanna be friends anymore? What if we-

"Helloooooo? Earth to y/n!" He says waving a hand in front of my face, interrupting my thought process.

I quickly snap back to reality.

"Something on your mind? He asks.

"Ummmm no I'm good," I say quickly.

"Oh, okay." He says shrugging it off.

We walk back to Mondstat without saying a word.

Finally, he breaks the silence by saying "Yeah something's definitely wrong, tell me what's up."

"What do you mean?" I say as obliviously as I can.

"C'mon y/n you know what I mean. We walked all the way here and you haven't said a word the whole time."

I sigh. This is it.

"So basically..." I trail off not knowing what to say.

"Yeah? He asks, urging me to keep going.

"Keqing and I got in a fight, that's all." I say without thinking. Why. Did. I. Say. That.

"Oh. I'm sorry y/n. Was it a big fight?"

"No, not really, just an argument." Childe and I never lie to each other, and I instantly feel bad for making up the story. I guess it's too late now though. I suddenly feel his arms pulling me into a hug. I stand there for a second, then hug him back. I feel so warm in his embrace and I wish I could just stay here forever.

"I-" I didn't know what to say. I was still kind of shocked that he hugged me. It's not like we don't hug, we do, just not very often. This hug felt sort of, different though. It felt passionate, like he had really wanted to hug me. I felt so comfortable in his arms that I really didn't want it to end, but he suddenly pulls away.

"I- um- sorry." He quickly sputters and looks down at his feet. I've never seen him like this before. He's known for his bold and confident vibe, so being shy was unlike him.

"No, it's okay." I say and continue walking not knowing what else to do. He follows.


"So you didn't even tell him?" Keqing asks with a disappointed look.

"Yeah... I spaced out and got too nervous to say anything." I say looking down.

Keqing takes the opportunity of me being distracted and quickly grabs my phone and starts typing.

"HEY!" I say laughing "What are you doing?"

"Oh, nothing just texting Childe."

"WHAT?!" I yelp, trying to snatch my phone out of her hands.

"Andddddd done." She hands my phone to me.

I read the texts.

Me: Hey, wanna go to the rooftop tonight? I wanna talk

Childe <3: Yeah sure, I wanna talk to you too

Me: Kk see you at 8:00

Childe<3: See ya

"Oh, Keqing what have you done?"

"Quit being so dramatic." She says with an eye roll.

"He's your best friend. He won't like, judge you or whatever you're scared of."

"Yeah, I guess." I admit.

"WAIT!" I quickly glance at the clock. "IT'S 6:00! I ONLY HAVE LIKE TWO HOURS TO GET READY!"

Keqing laughs. "C'mon I'll help you."

I put on jeans and a t-shirt, even though Keqing practically begged me to wear a dress, but I refused. She was able to convince me to curl my hair though, instead of wearing the same old braids that I always do. I also put some makeup on. Not much, just some mascara and blush. I finally finish getting ready and walk out the door.

Authors note: OOOOH OKAYYY cliffhanger. I'm writing the next chapter right now so It'll probably be out in like 10 minutes. I know the story is really boring so far, but the next chapter is juicy so get ready guys.

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