Chapter one

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     Bakugou laughed as he watched Shoto try to untie his hands, that were bond to the bed frame. Shoto kept trying to free himself but he couldn't even see. "What little hero can't even save himself? How are you supposed to save others when you can't even get yourself free?" Bakugou said when a huge smirk on his face. Shoto shook with anger wanting to destroyed the owner of the voice. Shoto knew that voice but he couldn't figure out where he knew it from.
      "WHO ARE YOU?!" Shoto screamed at the mystery man. "Oh, honey you know who I am I'm surprised you haven't figured it out yet Canadian flag," Bakugou said with a short laugh at the end. Shoto froze when Bakugou called him that, he knew exactly who the voice belonged to. "Katsuki? But you died! I found your dead body!" Shoto said in one breath. Bakugou didn't know Shoto was the one who found him "dead". Bakugou shook it off and replied "You really thought I could be killed? What a shame". Shoto grew angerer with every word Bakugou said. " So you made the one person who loved every part of you all of it find you bloody dead not breathing for what?! What did I do that was so bad that you faked your death!" Shoto screamed in a scary voice. That's when Bakugou realized who much he hurt his shoto his bunny. "Shoto listen to me, you did nothing wrong I just couldn't be a hero anymore. With those people who didn't care. I just wanted to be free I wanted to be a villain. I mean that's what everyone thought I would be."  Bakugou said.
     When he said those words Shoto finally broke he couldn't stop the things he said. "WHAT I ABOUT ME?  I WAS YOUR OMEGA. I WAS PREGNANT! I LOST MY CHILD BECAUSE OF YOUR "DEATH" NOW YOUR ALIVE AND FOR WHAT!? TO HURT ME SOME MORE!!"  Shoto was beyond pissed he lost his child because of this man. Now he was back for what Shoto wanted to know
      Bakugou was shocked by what Shoto said, he didn't know Shoto had been pregnant.  Bakugou's alpha instincts kicked in and he released a calming scent. But that only made Shoto even madder, "REALLY? YOU HAVE NO RIGHT. YOU ARE THE WORST ALPHA EVER BAKUGOU!".  Bakugou didn't want to hurt Shoto because his alpha was trying to take control, so bakugou left the room and went to his bedroom. Shoto inhaled the calming scent that Bakugou left behind. Feeling slightly calmer within seconds. Shoto was tired but he couldn't sleep while being tied. Shoto released a distressed scent, though he didn't do it on purpose.
       Bakugou smelled the scent and came running thinking one of the others were in the room with shoto. "Shoto! Are you okay!?" Bakugou said  worried. Shoto just whined, wanting to be untied so he could sleep. Bakugou entered the room, his wolf immediately wanting to comfort and find out what was wrong with Shoto. "Kat please untie me" Shoto whined. Bakugou went into villain mode after Shoto had said that. "You really think I would untie? You think I would fall for your tricks?" Bakugou said with a devilish smirk. "Fuck you Bakugou you came to my house, kidnap me, bring me to whatever this is, and you won't even let me sleep?!" Shoto was getting anger. Bakugou smirked, " aw the princess can't sleep all tied up?" He said with fake passion.  Just then a knock sounded at the door, bakugou tsked and went to open it. "Kat move out of my way" Shoto heard someone say. The voice was soft and flowwy much like shoto's.
   "Toga, what do you want?" Bakugou growled out. "I am the Omega doctor, we heard him say he had lost his pup. So Shiggy told me to give your Shoto-" Shoto cuts her off " I am not his!" Toga smiles, "I like him Kat". Bakugou just sighed and went over to Shoto and took off the blindfold then untied his hands. Shoto was surprised and confused but he couldn't take his eyes off of Bakugou. He had missed those blood red eyes so much. Toga came over with her medical bag, "Imma need you to lay flat on your back with your arms raised, like your trying to touch the rainbow" with her crazed smile. Shoto complied without a clue why he did so.
       Toga pulled Shoto's pants down causing him to scream at her. Toga just smiled even more and grabbed one of medical bags stored under the bed. She unzipped the bag, then pulling out a long, thin pole like thing Shoto didn't have a clue what it was, or what it was used for. Toga whisper something in Bakugou's ear that Shoto couldn't hear. The next thing Shoto knew, Bakugou was picking him up and flipping Shoto over on his stomach. After Toga had thanked Bakugou, she began her work pouring a lube like substance on Shoto's entrance, she then plunged the pole into him, straight into his womb. Shoto pushed his face deep into the pillows, he heard the door open then shut. Shoto knew Bakugou had left because his scent was less toxicating. Mean while, Toga had a screen in her hand and was looking to see if losing the pup had done any permanent damage to Shoto's womb. Toga gasped loudly at what she had  just found.
       Shoto almost immediately turned to look at her with wide, worried eyes. " The bodies is still in your womb." Toga said, she hadn't known that Shoto didn't know that there was more than one pup in him.  "B-bodies? P-pural? Y-you mean that I was carrying more than one baby?", Shoto asked Toga looking at her with sad and scared eyes. Toga sadly nodded, "you were carrying three pups, Shoto I'm so sorry for your loses." For once Toga's eyes were sweet and sadden. Shoto's body shook slightly as he took in the news about his children, tears started to pour from Shoto's eyes.
       Bakugou came back in and saw the state Shoto was in. He rushed over to his side and grabbed Shoto, wrapping him up in his arms. Bakugou looked over at Toga, all she did was shake her head, after putting everything away she left the room, leaving the two alone. Bakugou released a calming scent to try and help Shoto calm down a bit. After a few minutes Shoto had fallen asleep, holding onto Bakugou, not wanting to let him go.

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