The Prince and the Knight # 4

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“What happened to them?” Gon asked
"KuraPika is in the mother mode it seems"Leorio said, relieved that he wasn't the one who had to run away from KuraPika
"PAPA OREO !! MAMAPIKA KILLS ME !! HELP ME OLD MAN !!! "Killua had shouted
"You're doing well !! "Leorio said as he sat down
Killua's scream of fear was heard, and then she stopped abruptly
"... KuraPika really killed him !!? "Leorio said scared
"COME AND LOOK! ”Said KuraPika
"KILLUA!!!!"Gon had shouted as he ran toward them "Killua! Are you okay? " Gon said worriedly
"Boy, are you okay? "Leorio said
"Papa Oreo, if you need to know, my blood type is .... red, "Killua said, and then fainted.
"What a dramatic child, "said KuraPika, annoyed and a little worried for Killua
After taking Killua to the medicine room, they had a discussion with KuraPika. After that, KuraPika went to do her homework. Leorio went to help other knights. But Gon stayed with Killua.  
"I promise Killua, I will never leave you again. I will defend you with the price of my life. I will not let anyone hurt you .I will stay with you until the end of the world.Now, I'll stay with you all night if I have to."Gon said firmly and maybe a little too protective of Killua.
After a few hours, Killua woke up.He had seen Gon sleeping in a chair by Killua's bed. Killua had tried to get out of bed but fell to the ground.Who held out his hand, Killua had not looked at who held out his hand and stood up with the help of the stranger.Killua had looked at his hand and was in shock.
"HISOKA!?"said Killua, a little frightened
"Shush! ~ "Said Hisoka
"W-what do you want? .. And what are you doing here !? "said Killua
"Well, you already know about Gon, soo "Hisoka said
"Oh, oh, oh you hear here you pedophile clown. Nobody touches Gon."Killua said, determined and with a mysterious face
"Then can I take you? ~ "Said Hisoka
"You know, IIIumi will kill you if you take me "Killua said
"I know, but I take the risk, "Hisoka said
"Okay, then. As long as Gon is safe, "Killua said, crying crocodile tears
"Wait, really !? "Hisoka said in surprise
"Yeah,yeah don't be too happy, "Killua said indifferently 

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