Chapter 1

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Mentions of OCD as a coping mechanism
[Mild] swearing
Deceiving, a 9-letter word he had gotten used to. Ever since childhood, deceiving had become just like second nature to Shikatani Itsuki. Since the business all with Shou-Kun and Matsumura-sensei with his stupid blackmailing, he had learned that it was better to keep his mouth shut and suck it all up.
He wished he could erase the memory from his brain-scrub it out with a metal scrub like it never happened.
Most of the time he was busy scrubbing himself out too. His obsessive-compulsive disorder had gotten worse and worse recently. His once soft, lily pale hands had gotten rough and the pale-as-ghost skin was peeling at the sides. Hard as it was to admit, Shikatani felt like cleaning was like a coping mechanism. If only he could bleach his brain from all the shit he had been through, then he wouldn't have to spend every spare minute down at the toilet scarring his hands.
He was straight.
He was straight.
He was straight.
No. Not working.
A beautiful, tall boy in his club, cute frizzy blue hair, sparkly blue eyes, cool physique and a rude personality.
It had occured to Shikatani from the start why he decided to join the Yarichin Bitch Club. Shikatani was quite smart, if some people thought of him as another one of those of dumbasses. Tamura was one of those hip cool funny little dudes on the street, little rich kids talking slang in ripped jeans.
Even if he was rude ass fuck, he was beautiful.
Shikatani knew from middle school that he liked boys. He tried to ignore when someone walking past him made him feel warm inside, or the sight of a man's genitalia embarrassed him.
But when Tamura turned up, swaggering arrogantly into the club room like some kind of blue-haired Prince Charming, in a flash, all the confidence that Shikatani was straight evaporated into thin air, passed like a dream in the night. In it replaced the feeling of longing for Tamura, the feeling of his proud stick of manhood sticking itself into his feminine, loose wet hole. He wanted Tamura Yui all for himself.
Just Shikatani
Just Shikatani
Just Shikatani
It was too much for him.
(A/N hey guys! So recently I started simping for Shikatani so I think he likes Tamura so I decided to write about it. I'm sorry if I sounded a bit harsh in the story, but quite frankly all of my stories are pretty harsh and I'm sorry about it. Hope you enjoyed though!)

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