Chapter 6

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Both of the girls arrive at the restaurant at exactly 7pm. They're seated in a booth by a window that looks out into the street, Danielle is nervous, sitting across the table with Kaylee on the other end is nerve wrecking. Looks like she is on a date with the brunette girl, If only that were the case.

Eventually the waiter comes to there table and takes there orders. Danielle orders a bottle of red wine because she knows its kaylee's favourite type of wine. Kaylee then meets her gaze and just grins at Danielle when the waiter leaves.

A few seconds pass and the waiter is back to their table. "Here are your meals and one of our finest bottle of red wine, enjoy your date girls." The waitress sets their meal  on the table and winks at Danielle as she steps away. Danielle blushes as she looks to Kaylee. Who is also blushing furiously.

"So? How is your pasta?" Danielle questions, attempting to change the topic that was brought upon them.

Kaylee giggles, "It's really good, the best I've ever tasted I think" She smiles down at her plate in front of her.

The two sit and drink in silence, finishing their meals slowly, just living in the moment. "So, is this a date or?" Kaylee teases the commented towards Danielle. Danielle turns about 50 shades of red. "I take that as a yes?" Kaylee's eyes are glowing, anticipation shining bright. Danielle wants to risk everything right now, it's killing her not to reach across the table right there and now and pull kaylee's  perfect lips onto hers.

"Would you be bothered if it was?" Danielle comments, trying to seem as calm and collected as possible.

Kaylee smirks, "not at all, you are my wife after all. We should do this more often."Kaylee tries to joke but it looks like the joke went flat because Danielle just gives a half smile.

"Hey what's wrong baby" kaylee asks with a soft tone.

Baby!! Kaylee looks like she hasn't even realised what she just called me because she's looking at me with the most adorable brown eyes ever. I just want to grab her face and kiss her.

"Uhh no am ok" I try to fake a smile but of course kaylee sees through it.

"Dani baby please don't do that just talk to me. You know you can tell me anything" Kaylee says while moving her hand on top of mine.

I stare into those chocolate brown eyes and everything goes away, only me and kaylee are in the restaurant and everyone else is gone. As I keep our eye contact I can only see sincere in those eyes. I need to take my shot and just tell her.

"Ok kaylee I need to get this off my chest so please listen to me"I say with tears starting to form at the corners of my eyes. Suddenly one silent tear runs down my face and all of the sudden kaylee is hugging me and wiping away my tears. Why is this so hard. "Dani it's ok am not letting you go before you tell me what's wrong". I giggle because I know it's true.

Kaylee has me in the tightest embrace that makes me feel safe and also short of air at the same time. I then get out of the embrace and start to intertwine our hands while I turn my head to look straight into her eyes. Our faces were much closer then I anticipated we started to look into each other's eyes for a bit.

Kaylee then gives me a supportive smile to in courage me to go ahead.

As am about to spill my guts out kaylee's phone starts to ring. My god I swear that phone always gets in the way of everything.

However kaylee doesn't make a move to answer it. Kaylee just takes one of her hands and starts to caress my cheek I just lean in to the touch and start to open my mouth so I can speak but nothing comes out as I try again the phone starts to ring again. For fuck sakes that phone is so damn annoying.

Suddenly the warm hand that was caressing my cheek was gone which made me miss the touch.

Unknown number," She let's out a loud sigh and locked her phone, already giving her attention back to me again.

Not half a minute later, the two got interrupted by the same unknown number.

"Am so sorry dani let me just pick this up real quick."

"Hello?" Kaylee's voice sounded annoyed, "Hey," a female voice responded. "It's Tinisha, Quincy's mom."

"Oh hey, Tinisha! Everything okay? Why are you calling?"Danielle's eyes were trying to focus on  Kaylee's face expressions through her blurry vision.

On the other side of the phone, Kaylee heard a soft sob: "It's about Quincy..."Kaylee stood up from next to Danielle and started pacing around the restaurant.

She didn't like Tinisha's tone. Danielle's eyes seemed to have got her vision back and saw the worried expression Kaylee was wearing.

She heard Tinisha's voice but couldn't understand her words. Kaylee was just looking her in the eyes now. No emotion, just a deadly still stare.The brunette felt her legs get weak. Before she knew it, tears started flooding down her face. Danielle immediately got up that whole conversation about her feelings all forgotten. "Kaylee! Kaylee are you okay?!" she spoke, eyes now filled with worry. She took Kaylee in her arms and immediately guided her back to their table.

She held Kaylee tight in her arms as she sobbed. Worry with a mix of concern filled Danielle's eyes when she asked "Kaylee tell me what happened"
With all Kaylee's strength she said though broken sobs"Dani...Quincy... h-he had a... a car accident

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