Achilles vs Ares, Hector, Penthesilia and Melaneus

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Enter Achilles -
I and Patrocolus and Endolus stoll with my men preparing for Battle against Troy and now I really don't get it for a girl now King Meleanus Of Sparta married Helen a fellow Greek Women and told The Kings Of Greece to swore allegiance to him and his Brother Agamemnon Of Greek Empire and fight for him and well that day came and negotiation happened between Troy and Greece over Disputes of Territory and Prince Paris took off with Helen Of Sparta herself and Spartan King is enraged and called us all for help and Odessys came by and told us this And now we are all Kings Of Greece too ourselves as Odessys rules Ithica and Ajax hails from the royal family of Salamis and I am a prince of Pithiya and my mother is River Goddess Thetis and Father is King Pelius and I'm tutored by Chiron (this Achilles is more badass and different)

Endolus and Odysseys gathered around The Men of Salamis, Pythia and Ithica and we gathered and went for Sparta and called out Melaneus and upon seeing us he was pleased and told us to set sail and Whole Of Greece sailed and I called my man and have a speech given

" Myrmidons! My brothers of the sword! I would rather fight beside you than any army of thousands! Let no man forget how menacing we are, we are lions! Do you know what's waiting beyond that beach? Immortality! Take it! It's yours " and we yelled and marched down in a sheild formation and with large shields and blocked arrows down the lane and started attacked and I can hear ajax yell


And there was other voices and King Meleanus said and yelled looking at the beach


And Greeks landed and the war was even and we attacked throwing them through and let the Temples Of Apollo off and the Trojans ran back to their cities and Hector stayed and he came and I came and he tripped down and I said proclaiming

" GET UP PRINCE OF TROY, I WONT LET A STONE TAKE AWAY MY GLORY, Or you Go home, prince and Drink some wine, make love to your wife. Tomorrow, we'll have our war "

Hector said and yelled back at me saying the following words
" You speak of war as if it's a game, But how many wives wait at Troy's gates for husbands they'll never see again? " And I said so as the following

" Perhaps your brother can comfort them, I hear he's good at charming other men's wives " and he drew his sword and I drew mine and Greeks and Trojans Soldiers cheered and he charged and I slashed and dodged and he was fast, he tripped me down and I kicked his leg, got up and cut a part of his Armor in the shoulder and his Armor fell off he wore another Armor and went back and I, used my sword, and with that I kept him at an edge and I tripped him down, he got back up and hurted me except I dodged and sidestepped and he said " you're pretty good Achilles " and I said " so are you Prince seeing Royal Families lead their men fight is a sight I am a Prince of Pythia " and he exclaimed and said " King Pelies and Queen Thetis " and I said " yes them " and he slashed his sword and I sidestepped and tripped him and he lost his sword and I dropped mine and called him to a Fistfight or anything goes fight

He got back up and yelled and I yelled and we went to fighting and I slammed him down and he picked my hands and started pulling I rolled around the grass and got back up and freed my hand and kicked him down and caught hold of him and tripped him back down and chocked the life out of him and he attacked with a stone and I used his hands and clenched them out and slammed him again and he gave out and I stood victories and Greeks yelled and I spared Hector and told him to go off and he was the best in all 5 countries I fought and he thanked me and left off and I told him to take the priests of Apollo Temple too with him and King Meleanus and King Agamemnon called for me by sending a Boy Soldier, he said so

" King Agamemnon called for you " I said to him

" Can he wait till the morning " and he said

" This is Morning only " and I went for Kings Of Greece themselves and Agamemnon called me out


" Soon Helen Of Troy will belong back to your brother himself Long Meleanus Of Sparta " and he said

" Just kill her no need I'll get her another wife or he'll make a lover he's young he just looks old " and Odessys Of Ithica and Ajax Of Salamis came by and we're congratulated and Patrocolus and Endolus killed two high ranking Generals Of Troy down and we're given medals with rest of my men and dead were sailed back to Greece and Amazon Warriors joined our camps calling out me for a duel and saying to Kings Of Greece they went off and Iaid eyes on Penthesilia and I challenged Meleanus Of Sparta to bolster my reputation more and I heard news Penthesilia defeated Odessys and Ajax and Endolus themselves and I called Meleanus out

Trojans and Greeks looked as we clanged swords Spartan King is someone I am no match for and we clanged and clashed but I came out on the top and was exhausted and helped King Meleanus Of Sparta up and Penthesilia challenged me and I said " Tomorrow Daybreak " and the day I prepared and called her out and Hector and Paris on her side and I challenged her

Penthesilia said " you men are so ready to prove yourselves " and I said " let's fight and see how good Amazons are at Fighting Lions " and we clanged and clashed and fought entire hours and I clanged and she was ready to give me the Death Stroke but I sidestepped and tackled her down and defeated her Greeks yelled again 3 wins in less than a year and she showed signs of Respect

I talked and talked to her and Lions and Amazons grew closer and closer to some Greeks like Spartans, Argos and Thebes it was trouble to Odessys and Ajax it wasn't and I called to wed Penthesilia herself and she agreed only if I challange and defeated Hector once more and that day I called Hector and told him to defeat me with all he Got and that day I came out victorious and Hector defeated Twice I spared him as usual and Paris shot Odessys and nearly killed him and Ithicans and Salamians attacked Troy and entered the gates and Odessys sacked a part of Troy and called out Paris and challenged him but Ares came by and attacked and he called me out to war

I came to him " God Of War Himself and me a Prince " and he said " Achilles let's see who's the best " and I agreed and we clanged swords and charged here and there and I sidestepped and disarmed him down and speared him after hours I was the victor and I called my Men and Men of Ithica and Salamis and Amazons to accompany me far away from The War and took my rewards with us and sailed back (to be honest I don't think Achilles would let Penthesilia die and marry Bressis Homer must have written a variation cause a man like Achilles won't kill Penthesilia and marry some silly rich princess I bet he married Penthesilia herself in real life Troy Saga) and I married Penthesilia and brought her to live with me in Pythia as the Next Queen and Invited her Amazonian Warriors too to feast and dine and drink wine with us

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