Chapter 1

10 1 2

*sirens wailing* *muffled people screams*

maleha's pov (future)where...... am i? what is..... going... on? i feel........ so... numb all.... around.

is this... the end..?

the end of my... long awaited.... Dream?

maleha's pov (present)

*beep beep boop boop* *beep beep boop boop* beep*

ughhhh what is this annoying sound? i slowly open my eyes to find my phone near me. damn. its just my alarm. 

'why u have to ruin my peaceful sleep u annoying alarm........ ughh' i think to myself while i get up from my bed and start heading towards the washroom.

i refresh up in the washroom for the day and..... Well........ i still feel sleepy. damn it..... why is it so hard to knock off sleepiness in the morning?....... Ugh.... i guess i'll go have some food.

food and sleep is just heaven. who wants to leave them? 

i head out of my room and go to the dining room. i see my dad having some tea and..... i look around to find mom in the kitchen making some breakfast.

and for what reason i do not know..... i look at the clock on the wall. and what the.... Fuck!!! its fuckin 6:30!!! i have school ahhhhhhhhhhh

i start running around the house to find all my stuff for school. and guess what? i dont find the items exactly when i need them. i couldn't find my belt. ughhhhhh. i look around the wholeee house but cant seem to find it. i ask mom and she says......"oi dummy. why are you searching for your school belt? its friday silly. go seat in the dining table. i made some breakfast."

and...... i totally forgot today was friday. im such a dummy. but wait a min! why didn't mom stop me? when i was running around the house what was she doing??

"when i was running around the house what were you doing?? why didn't u tell me it was friday? ahhh" "i thought you were just doing some morning exercise. Heh....... and you didn't ask me anything so..... why would i bother telling?"

huhhhhhhh......... my mom can be such a damn hag sometimes. well but i still love her deep down. and i know it.

i go to seat at the table and eat. she made the daily food. ruti's and allu bhaji. but i like allu bhaji. so i had one ruti and a lot of allu bhaji.

oh sorry! i forgot to introduce myself. i am maleha khanom. i am 15 years old and i live in Bangladesh. and by my name you can tell i am a girl..... Heh. so! i am an only child in our household. and my mom is pretty protective of me sometimes. i live in dhaka. and.... i read in this crappy school called model academy. it may be crappy but i love my friends from there. i like living life in a simple way. i dont like wayy too much of anything. and i have a cat fetish. i love cats. and...... i have a dream. my dream is to go to canada and live there. i want to go there for studying. and once i go there! all my dreams will come true! all the dreams i cant fulfill here in Bangladesh, i will fulfill them in there!

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