Red on White

62 0 2

Winter Pov

  I left the prison evacuation hours ago and was creeping alone through the halls all I've found so far has been the conformation that it was a different tribe who attacked us. At every door a guard checked the solders claws, I had managed to slip into a soldier's armor but there's no way the guards would let me and my serrated talons through. I had begun to grow desperate, I even thought about attacking a guard and hoping their doorway led to Lynx, that's when I saw her. Lynx.

Her beautiful scaled were coated with blood adding red spots to match her blue ones. Though the fierce look on her face made me assume that not all of it was hers. She was tied down with a muzzle on and guards were pulling her along on a wheeled platform. My heart caught in my chest, and I took a step forward to break her free. But I stopped sighing to myself. There were about ten guards, and I didn't even know their tribe, no, I would have to save her another way.

I stalked behind the convoy as they headed out to the courtyard. That's when all the blood in my body froze. They had gathered the 'prisoners' around a platform, a platform I only recognized from my classes at Jade Mountain, an ancient Ice Wing device used to execute traitors in the most pain full way possible. And they were dragging Lynx right towards it. 

I quickened my pace in order to stand right next to Lynx. She held her head high and had a defiant look in her eyes, but there was fear buried in her gaze. As I stood on the platform, I desperately wanted to assure Lynx that it would all be okay, but it would be too dangerous; instead, I busied myself with looking through the crowed, many guards surrounded the tribe but, as I looked around, I noticed a few people missing, no, not missing, in hiding.  I had found Snowfall, Hailstorm, even my mother and I was in the proses of identifying more dragons when Icicle walked in. For a second, I thought that she might have fought her way out and was coming to save us but then I noticed her spear. A little under the tip there was an egg, impaled by her and by the ring of dark blue I knew it was a royal egg. Icicle, my sister, had murdered an unborn royal Ice Wing dragonet.

For a second no one moved, Lynx's head snaped to Snowfall and out of pure curiosity I followed her gaze. So many emotions flooded the queens face, then agony, a brutal feeling flooded her eyes quickly surrendering to anger, a rage I've never felt and would never fully comprehend, mother's grief. And with that Snowfall launched herself at Icicle. At first, I thought the soldiers might actually let Snowfall reach her because, even though their faces were covered their bodies showed the shame and disgust towards Icicle and her, "trophy". Alas at the last moment a big dragon intercepted the raging queen. He threw her back into the crowed, she got up, prepared to charge again when Hailstorm opened his bloody wing, touching hers and said something. Whatever it was it must have been convincing because she stood beside Hailstorm though she still glared daggers at Icicle though tears were obvious in her eyes. With that and a smug smile Icicle strode up to the platform.

Meanwhile Lynx had been thrashing in her chains but with no success on escaping and Icicle had made it up to the platform. " My fellow Ice Wings" Icicle's voice boomed across the gathering I could see Hailstorm growling, Snowfall leaned against him anger still coursing through her veins, and my mother, with a look I had never seen before, shame. Icicle continued her speech "I tried to do things civilly, but some examples had to be made, including this one. My dear friend Lynx refused my request to join me, and so she has no real reason to keep her head and so, as the new queen of the Ice Wings I sentence Lynx to Death" An eerie silence crossed over the yard before noise so deafening hit. Icicle flicked her wings signaling for the guards to leave the stage and deal with some of the more hysterical dragons. I sucked in a breath. I knew I would only have a few seconds, as if to prove my point Icicle narrowed her eyes at me and sucked in a breath, 'preparing frost breath' I thought. So I struck first and shot all of my power straight at Lynx.

I saw Lynx thrash out of the corner of my eye but my full focus went into dodging Icicles blast ant charging. It was all a blur I could hear cries as the 'prisoners' rioted following my lead. Icicle was a furry of teeth and claws; her tail hit my head causing my helmet to go flying off. Icicle just stared then a sneer curled on her lip " well if it isn't my failure of a brother, what are you doing, your crawling back to the the tribe that chewed you up and spit you out once again. How many times before you realize nobody cares about you. Not here, not anywhere." Her words stung worse than anything she could have done with her claws. I clenched my teeth "Maybe they don't love me. But that never stoped me before and it's not going to stop me now, after all, I have nowhere to be." Feeling pretty good about my come back I launched myself at Icicle. Somehow I caught her by surprise and talked her my hands on her throat. Instead of worrying Icicle smiled, a gross, bloodstained smile "Winter, Winter, Winter" she spoke calmly amusement sparkling in her voice "you can't  hurt me dear brother, just like you can't stop me from killing those you love" she admiring the angry look on my face but I knew she felt my claws tighten on her throat, still, she kept talking "I think I'll start with Hailstorm he's crippled now so it will be easier, then some of your dragonet friends from your academy" I lashed my tail angrily and felt it hit something then wrap around it but I couldn't focus enough to tell what it was "what were there names, one was Quibli, ya Quibli the Sand Wing. Ohhh but first I will kill Lynx well,  finish killing that pathetic little dragonet" out of pure anger I went to slap her in the face with my tail forgetting about what it was holding . One moment I was looking at a bloody monster, the next I was looking at a spear, going straight through the carcass of my sister.

When I was 3 I remember crying on the beach, my stomach howled. My parents had told me that I could eat what I caught but after ten long hours I caught I shrimp that I hadn't the heart to kill. I was sitting there, feeling sorry for myself when a narwhal fell beside me. I looked up to see my sister Icicle smiled down at me "Here, we can share, after all, you can't hunt on an empty stomach" kindness sparkled in her voice and her eyes. I smiled so wide and patted the ground next to me with my tail. She landed next to me and we both feasted. For the next two hours we ate and talked. And I had a built in best friend.

But things change.

I could hear the sound of a battle but it was all so far away. All I saw was Icicle her blood staining my pale red; no my scales are supposed to blue, light blue. I stumbled away from her body, tears blurring my vision, I saw the red of her blood staining the white snow. The red on white, the body of a traitor, all under the moon globe tree.

A/N :you don't have to read this is just and explanation 

           Sorry I haven't posted in a while, school was a bitch. I will try to get to writing more.                             This story is number 2 in lynxter. How cool is that.                                                                                                 Anyway, 

Till next time, 

 Yours truly,


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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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