leaving so soon?

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David's POV: I was with Daniel talking about how much fun camp is he was really nice I think he actually changed.

Daniels POV: I didn't care about what he said about camp Campbell so I asked if I could go and see y/n he said sure he so dumb to actually think I would give a fuck about changing hahaha that idiot. Now to kill that son of a bitch y/n.

Y/n's POV:I seen Daniel and froze he had a knife in his hand and looked at me I started running luckily I was fast enough to escape him I hid in my room under the bed. I then heard foot steps and knew it was Daniel he look around and then looked under the bed a found me. I ran to the door but Daniel grabbed me and said: leaving so soon but we were just getting started HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAH. As he laughed I screamed for help but then Daniel tossed me on the ground stabbing me when he was done he left saying: you have fun dieing bye bye bitch. After that then minutes past and then David came in and seen me on the ground.

David's POV: I seen y/n on the ground they were stabbed many times that's when I snapped I asked her who did it to her she then said Daniel did it so I grabbed a knife I told Gwen to help her she said ok and then I left. I CAN'T BELIEVE HE DID THAT TO MY POOR Y/N I'M GOING TO KILL THAT BITCH.when I seen him I quickly sliced his neck and buried him so no one finds out what I did to him and now y/n will be safe.

Camp Camp Dumb OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon