emotionally manipulative

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"When a manipulative person seeks power over someone else and employs dishonest or exploitive strategies to gain it. " - WebMD

That was what you said I was. "Emotionally manipulative". That word spewing from your tongue like a toxic goo, clinging to my exposed skin. I scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed and it still remains, a tattoo on my memory. I still go back through everything I've done; every mistake I made, every word I said, every fight we had, every little thing. I tear myself apart, dissecting my mind to see if I can find what you said I did, trying to look through your eyes. Maybe I am blind, or maybe you lied, but I cannot erase this tattoo that reminds me of what you hold me to. Fuck you.

{July 5th, 2021}

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