Chapter 1

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            A small group of islands rest off the coast of the Vreston Kingdom, where the sun is always shining and leaves swayed with the warm breeze. From a far the islands seemed like an unknown world that was wild and untamed. Th cliff edges were littered with crooked, mushroom like, and jungles that stretched through the rest of the island. The mushroom trees kept any dangers seeking to lay their vessel on any of the islands.

            Further into the island was where the life of it thrived; known to the islanders as Freedom Island. The center island was where most of the trading and gossip of the island was done. Bridges connected the five large islands as the smaller islands surrounding them served as guards watching their home.

            Today was no different like no there, the people were happy, chatting, and moving throughout the market. The residents of Freedom Island were of different races and culture who have found a new homes here to escape the war and greed spreading throughout the world.

            Children ran through the town center with giggles as they chased each other around without a care in the world. The parents and elders of the island were helped by the young teens to carry their items as they traveled through the market with the usual chit chat.

            The clicking of wheels could be heard at the entrance of the market that was late to the morning rush and came to an easy stop. Young towns people, who were leaving, gave warm welcomes to the late comers.

            The father of the cart gave a small tip with his hat to the ladies as they passed with giggles in attempt to catch the attention of his nephew. There was a smile of his own when his nephew was oblivious to the world. He began searching through the cart for the items that they would need today.

            The young boy had never been focused on many girls while they always had an eye out for him. To marry the chief's son was a great honor but, of course, he was always looking to the skies instead of the ground.

            Today his head was stuck in the clouds more than ever just waiting for the next Ether Vessel to cross that blue horizon. Any movement in the trees made him jump with excitement to the sky.

            "If you keep focusing on what could be, rather than what is here," his uncle started, "than you are going to miss what is in front of you."

            "What?" Trever asked turning to his uncle. The only response he got was more laughter as his uncle tossed him a couple of creates. "Oh right! What does Aunt Sarah need today?"

            The farmer dug through the wagon a second more to pull out a leather sack. "Check the list she placed in your pocket." Trever checked all the pockets of his leather jacket to quickly find the list. The warm laughter returned to the farmer's soul. "Now hurry a long if she is going to have enough time to make the feast for your parents."

            Almost like a switch had been turned on in his head, Trever rushed into the crowded market to start on the long list of ingredients.

            There was very few times in the year that Trever's parents came home. This time it was for his fifteenth birthday. The year that his parents promised to finally start training him to become a hero.

            As Trever made his way through the market he was greeted with warm smiles and pleasant greetings. Everyone of the islands respected the Diamond family that has been protectors of it for the past five generations. The direct descendants of this family are the only people allowed to come off and on the island without needing permission. It was a rule put in place to ensure the safety of their people.

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