•|• Marine Biologist •|•

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Name: ( Luis Rivera )

Age: ( 28 )

Sexuality: ( Androsexual )

Species:( Human )

Gender: ( Male )


Nationality: ( Puerto rican )

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Nationality: ( Puerto rican )

•Background info•

Strengths: ( He's very knowledgeable about the ocean, he grew up near the water and has always held high interest in it along with all the activities on it like surfing where he won lots of local competitions. Luis is compassionate towards animals and is very respectful for the most part unless someone pisses him off, most are respectful to him because of his demeanor so more often than not he won't be caught in a bad mood because of some karen at work. He's a very good swimmer and can outlast most people with his stamina, he helps out and works at an aquarium for the most part and teaches kids on tours about the different species; he is a trainer but he prefers to teach the kids about the natural habitats and behaviors of the creatures instead of just making them do tricks in the water for entertainment. )

Weaknesses: ( He's allergic to water, even though he's been around it his entire life but it's not a severe enough allergy to kill him, he will take a pill before getting into the water so he doesn't have an allergic reaction to it but if he doesn't take the pill he gets large red rashes all over his body. Luis also suffers from eczema and is constantly itching, his hands are more often than not cracking from the dryness and it doesn't help that he goes into salt water which drys out your skin a lot; he uses prescribed lotion but even then it doesn't cure it completely. Luis isn't the best at interjecting between a fight, he tends to be the type to permit certain behavior just because he can't interject and will just calmly try to make them stop.. very quietly. He can't put his foot down unless it comes to someone harming an animal or a kid, even then he will be very mellow and kind to them, unless they just won't back down. )

Personality: ( Luis is a very gentle person who will do his best in life to make someone laugh or smile, sometimes he will try so hard he will ignore his own feelings for however long it takes, and although he isn't that outgoing he still loves his job that he currently has. He's been doing it since he graduated college early and the staff that he's grown to love think he's one of the best things to happen to the aquarium, Luis also does part time at a sanctuary for sea animals to rehabilitate them back to the ocean; instead of giving them to a place like sea world.. He doesn't like what they do. Luis chose this aquarium since they were more on the small and familial side, not for profit so they don't abuse their animals. The man wouldn't have worked there if that was the case, he thinks no one should go to a profit place that says they 'care' abut animals, nor does he agree with zoo's. )

Family: ( deceased )

Backstory: ( He grew up with a very conservative military house that told him he wasn't allowed to be apart of the LGBTQ community, that they were all just people who didn't know right from wrong and they were sick in the head, along with the fact he must show respect to absolutely everyone. They micromanaged his life, forced him to go to church and 'rehabilitation' camps for gay people at his church, forced him to date women he didn't like and almost made him marry one. This toxic upbringing made him very quiet and non-confrontational, if someone so much as raised their voice he would shut down and ignore their words, as a punishment as a kid for disobeying he would be made to do push-ups, kneel on top of salt for an hour with bare knees, forced to pull work on the farm during the hottest part of the day in arizona.. The list went on. His parents forced him to go into the military, they emigrated before he was born and were very patriotic surprisingly for America and anyone that dissed it were immediately in their bad books. They both later died from heart failure and cancer when he was 23 - 25, he had cut contact from them as soon as he went to college when he was 17 and decided to skip their funerals altogether; not wanting to associate with them. )


Scenario 1: ( make your own )

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